- bilateral breath sounds 双侧呼吸音
- PE: General condition OK;mild tachypnea; Obious inspiratory three depressions sign after crying; clear breath sounds of bilateral lung with normal heart auscultation. 查体:状可,呼吸略促,哭闹后吸气性三凹征明显,双肺呼吸音清,心脏听诊正常
- P W l s h t. H i w a l b s a a p t. 赵:王教授今天穿了一件浅咖啡色的衣服,配了一个粉色的领带,看上去真精神。
- Y. Y g n h a d p, a y e s b s w d. W d y t o t p? 好的。你的金项链带一个钻石坠,那么你的耳坠也应镶有钻石。你看这对怎样?
- D y? I d n t. B s y s k i, f y h s i w L b. 托德:我猜我上回和她来这里的时候做了相同的事情。我是指睡着的事。对我来讲,这出戏不是那么有吸引了。
- Compare respirations and breath sounds with previous findings. 将本次呼吸与呼吸音与前次检查结果相对照。
- Now let me check if you have any abnormal breath sounds. 中译)现在让我检查你是否有呼吸不正常的声音。
- Nothing could b s further from the tr Dating uth! 这完全与事实真相!
- If B's the standard, then you know A's molarity! 如果B是标准,那么你就知道了A的摩尔浓度!
- Count in as B's rebound and C's personal foul. 篮板下来,B拿到,对方球员C抢球,结果C犯规,算B的吗?
- Nothing could b s further from the tr Time uth! 这完全与事实真相!
- Normally, bronchial breath sounds are sometimes heard over the manubrium. 一般来讲,支气管的呼吸声有时能在柄状体处被听到。
- Jenny: O, s ar. B b a u. W, I b b g. I s t ms a4:30. 珍妮:噢,她很好,只是一直很忙。噢,我想我该走了。比赛4:30开始。
- Bronchial breath sounds are louder and higher in pitch than vesicular sounds. 支气管的呼吸声比肺气泡的呼吸声音调更响,更高。
- Kids will say they studied and be shocked to get C's and B's. 孩子们会说他们学了,成绩却是"C"或"B",感到很震惊。
- Nothing could b b further from the tr Time uth! 这完全与事实真相!
- Nothing could b b further from the tr Dating uth! 这完全与事实真相!
- Through his stethoscope, Noah Townsend's clinical notes revealed, he heard suppressed breath sounds and lung rales. 从诺亚·汤森的诊断记录上可以看出,他在听诊时发现有呼吸受到压抑的声音,肺部有罗音。
- What is granzyme B's substrate specificity (5 points)? 粒酵素B的受质专一性是什么(5分)?
- Before auscultating the posterior thorax, let's review normal and adventitious breath sounds. 在对胸腔听诊之前,让我们回顾一下正常的和偶发的呼吸声音。