- [病例报告]选择90例自然月经周期不孕妇女,同时应用B型超声仪及尿LH半定量试纸监测排卵,并进行比较分析.CASE REPORTS The B mode ultrasound of vaginal and urinary LH test was used on 90 cases of infertile women with normal period,and the value of them to the monitoring of ovulation were compared.
- 仪器设备和方法:门)177E检查采用 ATL ’AY司 MKnd00型超声仪及 HP500或 1500型彩色多普勒诊断仪,进行多体位多切面检查。Equipment and methods: (1) TTE: MK-600 ultrasound equipment of ATL company and HP-500 or 1500 color Doppler diagnostic apparatus were used. Patients were examined with multi-posture and multi-section by TTE.
- 超声仪Supersonic Wave
- A型超声仪A-mode ultrasonic apparatus
- 彩色多谱勒超声仪color doppler ultrasoundmeter
- A型超声扫描A-mode ultrasonic scanning
- A型超声A-mode ultrasonic; A-mode ultrasound
- 用兽用超声仪诊断母猪妊娠的报道Report on Diagnosis of Pregnant Sow by Ultrasonic Generator
- B型超声B-mode ultrasonography; B-mode ultrasonics; brightness mode
- Cavi-Endo超声仪锉尖振幅的测量Displacement amplitude of the Cavi-Endo ultrasonic file tip.
- F型超声F-mode
- 应用镍钛根扩仪和根管超声仪治疗弯曲根管的临床观察Clinical Observation on Endodontic Treatment in the Curved Root Canals of Molar with Niti Rotary Instrument Enlargement and Ultrasonic Root Canal Irrigation
- 一种用于测试甚高频B型超声诊断设备纵向分辨力的层状靶Layered target for evaluating axial resolution of very-high-frequency B-type ultrasonoscope
- 电子血压计与多普勒超声仪测量踝肱指数的临床对照研究Comparative study on the determination of ankle-brachial index with Doppler ultrasound and electronic sphygmomanometer
- A型超声法A-mode echography
- 世界卫生组织对骨质疏松症的定义能适用于多部位定量超声仪吗?Can the WHO definition of osteoporosis be applied to multi-site axial transmission quantitative ultrasound?
- B型超声的B-mode ultrasonic
- C-型超声C-mode ultrasound
- M-型超声M-mode ultrasonography
- 子宫输卵管的B型超声双氧水造影与X光造影符合性的研究A Comparative Study of Contrast B-Mode Sonography Using Hydrogen Peroxide and X-Ray Hysterosalpingography in the Evaluation of Tubal Patency in Infertile Women