- Billy Hatcher And The Giant Egg 比利哈恰的大冒险
- Giant Egg Billy Hatcher Adventrue 比利的大冒险:巨蛋风云
- Leave yourself one escape hatch and get on with it. 给你自己留条后路,必要时可以利用它。
- A tanker popped open the hatch and jumped out. 被捕的坦克手打开舱门,跳了出来。
- I had a ganglion cyst and giant floaters. 大小超过铅笔上的橡皮头;
- The main styling differences include a new hatch and taillights. 主要风格差异包括一个新的孵化和尾灯。
- Laborers were trained to handle 50-ton compactors and giant cranes. 工人们接受操作五十吨压土机和巨型起重机的训练。
- Alpine skiing consists of downhill, slalom and giant slalom. 高山滑雪由滑降、小回转和大回转(障碍滑雪)组成。
- The female emperor penguin lays one egg each time and transfers it to the male to hatch and incubate it . 雌性帝企鹅每次产卵一个,然后由雄性帝企鹅孵化。
- Other turbines work the same way, but the turbine is on a vertical axis and the blades look like a giant egg beater. 其它的风力发电机也是同样的原理,只是涡轮出于垂直线上而叶片像巨大的鸡蛋搅拌器。
- Meanwhile, scientists find a giant egg in an remote island and they are then being attacked by a Huge Pterodactyl-Rodan, and Godzilla then wakes up... 以大前博士为首的考察团到达亚度诺亚岛时,发现了一只完整无缺的蛋。当团员把蛋带回京都时飞翼龙拿顿出现并攻击考察团一行人。
- The threat of inflation has made many city institutions batten down hatches and not take risks in the stock market. 通货膨胀的威胁已使城市许多公共机构作好准备,不去股票市场冒险。
- The fry have hatched and have huge yolk sacs. 南联盟已孵化和巨大的卵黄囊。
- The eagle hatched and thought he was a chicken. 鹰被孵出来了,但他以为自己是一只山鸡。
- Burak sealed the hatch and slipped into place, seated before Tesla's cage. 巴拉克封上舱门,偷偷地进来,坐在泰斯拉的囚笼之前。
- Cray Fish Ramen, it i a non spicy soup with Japanese noodles, and giant prawns. 大虾拉面,不辣的汤底加上爽口的日本进口面条还有新鲜的大虾,美味极了!
- Painted wings and giants's rings make way for other toys. 彩翅荷巨环被其它玩具代替。
- But most of the Titans and giants sided with Cronos. 但大多数的提坦们和巨人都站在克罗诺斯一边。
- "Most people batten down the hatches and look up in the month. 大多数人会未雨绸缪,观察事态发展。