- BELG IUM Antwerp 比利时 安特卫普港
- Nello and Patrasche were coming back from Antwerp. 尼洛和帕特拉斯基正从安特卫普往回走。
- At the Antwerp Olympic Games, Belgium in 1920. 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会。
- If that happened, he wouldn't need Antwerp. 如果战争结束了,他也就不需要安特卫普了。
- It was also at Antwerp that the athlete oath was first taken. 在安特卫普奥运会上,还产生了奥运会运动员誓词。
- The Olympic Motto first appeared officially in 1920 Antwerp Games. 奥林匹克格言在1920年安特卫普奥运会上正式出现。
- There were a lot of majestic old stone buildings in Antwerp. 安特卫普市里有着很多富丽堂皇的石造古老建筑物。
- Accept cargo to Scandinavia destinations VIA Antwerp. 兼收通过比利时安特卫普中转至斯堪的纳维亚各港口。
- Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day. 他于9月3日攻克布鲁塞尔,次日又克安特卫普。
- Brussel fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day. 他于9月3日攻克布鲁塞尔,次日又克安特卫普。
- And the gold of that land is good: there is bde* ium and the onyx stone. 并且那地的金子是好的。在那里又有珍珠和红玛瑙。
- The following year Van Thulden acquired citizenship in Antwerp. 第二年,范蒂尔登收购安特卫普公民。
- It's important to remind people to be hopeful and not fear the new mille ium. 更要紧的是,这可以让人们怀抱希望,而不是害怕千禧新年的到来。
- The reaction of magenta and nitrite in sulfuric acid m ed ium was studied. 据此建立了一个简单、快速、选择性好的测定亚硝酸盐氮的新方法。
- On the 7th June I flew to Antwerp to receive the freedom of the city. 6月7日我飞往安特卫普,去接受荣誉市民证书。
- This symbol of peace was used again at the opening ceremony in Antwerp in 1920. 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会的开幕式上,和平鸽又一次被放飞。
- Lock G.Acute mesenteric ischemia:classification,evaluation and therapy [J] Acta Gastroenterol Belg,2002,65(4):220-225. 张宏,陈春生,乔进春等急性肠系膜上动脉栓塞的诊断和治疗[J]。中国现代医学杂志;200414(6):861.
- MAMMA MIA! Antwerp had115 performances and was seen by over140,000 people. 在安特卫普共计有115场表演,观众人数累积超过十四万人。
- He postulated that the carbon reacts initially with the sulfate to form calc ium sulfide. 他认为碳最初和硫酸钙反应生成硫化钙。
- MAMMA MIA! Antwerp had 115 performances and was seen by over 140,000 people. 在安特卫普共计有115场表演,观众人数累积超过十四万人。