- White Leghorn fowl are markedly more resistant to vitamin B deficiency than other breeds. 白来享鸡对维生素B缺乏症的抗性明显地高于其他品种。
- The damage of the efficient cultivar by B deficiency was much less, it had a normal root cap, and a slightly enlarged root tip. 而不敏感品种受害程度相对较轻 ,根冠完整 ,根尖稍膨大。
- These suggest that the genotypical difference of rape cultivars to B deficiency was firstly appeared in the root tip formation and enlongation. 表明油菜缺硼基因型差异首先表现在根尖形成和伸长生长上。
- Hexosaminidase A and B deficiency 己糖胺酶A和B缺乏
- Fructose-biphosphate aldolase B deficiency 果糖-二磷酸醛缩酶B缺乏
- periodontal membrane in vitamin B deficiency 牙周膜在维生素B缺乏时的变化
- Re-supply B to the shoot apex of B deficient pea plants reversed these changes and restored the apical dominance, which suggested that B could affect auxin and cytokinin synthesis or metabolism. 对缺硼的豌豆植株顶端供硼能够恢复这些过程,且抑制侧芽的生长到对照的水平,表明硼至少影响了生长素和细胞分裂素的合成或代谢过程。
- The screening of soybean genotypes with tolerance to Mo and B deficiency 大豆抗缺钼缺硼胁迫的基因型筛选
- In English, b, p, m and w are bilabials. 英语中的b、p、m、w为双唇音。
- C comes after B in the alphabet. 在字母表中C接在B后面。
- The "b" in "comb" is not sounded. comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。
- The old woman does not know from A to B. 这位老太太一字不识。
- B comes before C in the alphabet. B在字母表里排在C之前。
- Uptake and Distribution of B, P, K, Ca, Mg in Cotton Cultivars Responding Differently to B Deficiency 缺硼反应不同的棉花品种苗期对B、P、K、Ca、Mg的吸收和分配
- Line A is four times the length of line B. 线条
- Many letters in the alphabet such as b, c, d, etc are consonants. 字母表中的许多字母像b,c,d,等等都是辅音字母。
- B, c, d, f, etc. are consonants. B,c,d,f等都是辅音字母。
- Mr A had called out Mr B for his abusive words. B先生辱骂了A先生,A先生要求和他决斗。
- Student B: Tug of war by ten thousands people? 学生乙:万人拔河?
- Team A beat team B (by a score of) two to one. 甲队以二比一胜乙队。