- "东芝发言人Jun'ichi Nagaki说道,"我们认为对纸的需求永远不会完全消失。"We don't think demand for paper will ever disappear completely."
- KY型节点KY-joints
- 阻燃剂KY-Fwfire-retardant KY-Fw
- Ky-Fan函数Ky - Fan function
- 英国以嘲笑官僚主义作风而著称的历史学家(1909-)。British historian noted for ridicule of bureaucracies (1909- ).
- Fan-Ky极大极小不等式Fan-Ky minimax inequality
- 马托·德·图内尔,C.(1854-1909)Clorinda Matto de Turner (1854~1909)
- Ky-Fan’s极大极小不等式Ky - Fan' s minimax inequality
- 1909至1913年间,对这整个问题进行了短期认真的官方调查。A brief period of intense official investigation into the entire subject ensued between 1909 and 1913.
- 1909至1913年间,对这整个问题进行了短期认真的官方调查。A brief period of intense official investigation into the entire subject ensued between 1909 and 1913.
- KY-2型高密度压井液助剂的研制与应用Additive KY-2 for High Density Well Control Fluids
- 夸米·恩克鲁玛(1909-1972),加纳独立后第一任总统。Kwame Nkrumah (1909--1972), first president of ghana
- 耐温抗盐聚合物KY的合成及性能影响因素Influence factors on Synthesis and Characters of Temperature Tolerance and Salt Resistance Polymer KY as a Flooding Agent
- 玛丽·李在1909.9月期的《女权》杂志上述说了她自己被强制进食的经历。Mary Leigh told her own story of being force-fed in the September 1909 edition of The Suffragette.
- KY-310牙轮钻机稳车千斤顶下沉的浅析与处理Analysis and soution of the amount sunk of supporting jack in KY-310 drilling rig
- KY-Fw木材阻燃剂对木材吸湿性和尺寸稳定性的影响Effects of KY-Fw wood fire-retardant on wood hygroscopicity and dimensional stability
- 如果罗斯福1909至1913年在白宫的话,1912年发生的灾难性分裂可能会避免。A Roosevelt in the White House from 1909 to 1913 might well have averted the disastrous rupture that occurred in 1912.
- 如果罗斯福1909至1913年在白宫的话,1912年发生的灾难性分裂可能会避免。A Roosevelt in the White House from 1909 to 1913 might well have averted the disastrous rupture that occurred in 1912.
- 安徽石马UHP-Ky榴辉岩中绿辉石变形结构的HREM研究HREM Study of The Deformed Microstructure of Omphacite in UHP Ky eclogite from Shima, Anhui Province