- The primary school building was officiated by Mr. Aw Boon Haw (a philanthropist) on 20th April. 胡文虎先生于4月20日主持菩提小学校舍开幕礼。
- Application was made to register the Phor Tay High School. Mr. Aw Boon Haw donated money to build six classrooms. 菩提中学申请注册。胡文虎先生独捐建六间教室。
- Aw Boon Haw was a prominent businessman and a leader of the Chinese in Singapore during the Japanese invasion of China and later that of Singapore. 胡文虎一位杰出的商人,同时在日本侵占中国和随后的新加坡期间也是一位新加坡华社的领袖。
- Mr. Aw Boon Haw donated the money for the construction of Phor Tay Institution that includes a shrine, a meditatian centre and Phor Tay Primary School. 胡文虎先生独资兴建全座菩提学院院舍,包括佛殿、修士静室及小学学校。
- From Social Capital to Ethnic Consciousness: Exemplified by Aw Boon Haw and the Hakka Movement 从社会资本到族群意识:以胡文虎与客家运动为例
- Aw Boon Haw 胡文虎(1882-1954),香港人,商人。
- Bill and Bob are boon companions. 比尔和鲍勃是很合得来的朋友。
- Parks are a great boon to people in big cities. 公园对大城市的居民是大有裨益的设施。
- A warm coat is a real boon in cold weather. 寒衣在天冷时是至宝。
- A bicycle is a real boon when you live in a small town. 住在小城镇上,有辆自行车确实极为方便。
- Get Sam to write that editorial. He haw what it takes. 请萨姆写那篇社论好了,他能胜任。
- A typhoon in 1954 sank a ferry, drowning 1,218 people. 一九五四年的一次台风刮沈了一艘渡轮,淹死一千二百十八人。
- Chubb Insurance in 1882 in New York founded. 丘博保险1882年在美国纽约创立。
- If you defy the(aw,you may find yourself in prison. 如果你不服从法律,你就可能会坐牢。
- Geneva Conferences (1954 and 1961). 日内瓦会议(1954,1961)。
- AW: What was the training like in Santa Cruz? 究竟是什么样的训练在圣克鲁斯?
- I aw them walk arm i arm last weekend. 我上周末看到他们手勾著手走著。
- The increase has been moderate since 1954. 自一九五四年以来,增长的速度已经减慢。
- He has a couple of boon companions. 他有几个爱吃喝交际的朋友。
- His 1954 movie debut was with Judy Holiday. 他的首部电影是于1954年与朱迪·贺黛莉合作。