- Average height method 平均高程法
- He is of average height and is a little overweight. 身高中等,有点胖,
- She's about average height and very slim. 她普通个头但很苗条。
- A man of average height came to see you today. 今天有一位中等身材的人来看你。
- She's average height, medium build. 她不高也不矮; 不胖也不瘦.
- A clothing size designed for persons of average height. 一般的尺寸适合平均身高人穿的衣服尺寸
- The average height of a Wooly Mammoth is about 11 feet tall. 披毛猛犸的平均身高大约 11 英尺。
- A series of clothing sizes for women and girls of average height and proportions. 少女(或妇女)尺码为平均高度和身材的女人或女孩制定的一系列衣服的尺寸
- Any member of various peoples having an average height of less than five feet. 各种各样的平均身高不到5英尺的人。
- When compared with 1965, the average height and weight of young Tibetans in the Lhasa area increased by 8.8 cm and 5.2 kg respectively. 1985年与1965年相比,拉萨地区藏族青少年平均身高增加8.;8厘米,平均体重增加5
- The mean average height of adult dogs is 26 inches, and of adult bitches 24 inches. 一般,成年雄性的平均肩高约 26 英寸;而成年雌性约 24 英寸。
- Castanopsis this piece of natural forests have been 200 years of history, the average height 26 meters. 这片天然栲树林已有200多年历史,平均树高26米。
- But, Mr Deaton shows, the average height of Indian men is rising three times faster than that of Indian women. 但是,Deaton先生指出,印度男子平均身高的增长比印度女子的快3倍。
- If asked, I would describe myself as average height, with a fabulous sense of humor. 要是有人问起,我就说自己中等身材,极富幽默感。
- Burros reach an average height of over a meter and can weigh more than 225 kilograms. 小毛驴的身高平均可超过一米,体重能达到225公斤以上。
- When compared with 1965,the average height and weight of young Tibetans in the Lhasa area increased by 8.8 cm and 5.2 kg respectively. 1985年与1965年相比,拉萨地区藏族青少年平均身高增加8.;8厘米,平均体重增加5
- The average height and DBH of ? Fokienia hodginsii? in the mixed forest are 2 08 m and 1 50 cm greater than that in the pure forest,respectively. 结果表明,混交林中,福建柏的平均树高和平均胸径,分别比福建柏纯林大2?08m和1?50cm。
- The first real dip in heel height only occurs in a woman's late 40s and early 50s, when the average height drops to 4.5 cms. 鞋跟真正意义上的下降是到了女性40岁晚期、开始步入50岁的时候,这一阶段女性的鞋跟高度平均下降至4.;5厘米;
- On the other hand, a woman of average height could in certain circumstances fall afoul of green-eyed monster if their rival were taller. 从另一方面来说,中等身高的女性如遇到比自己个子高的情敌,在某些情况下也会心生妒火。
- The average height of seedling in gap center plots was the highest among the 4 kinds of gap location plots when seed nutrition expending. 种子营养消耗完后,在林窗中心、林窗中部、林窗边缘和林下等4个位置样地中,林窗中心样地幼苗平均高度最高。