- Australian Government Digest 《澳大利亚政府摘要》
- The Australian Government gave us a koala bear as a gesture of friendship. 澳洲政府赠送给我们一只无尾熊做为友谊的表示。
- The Australian Government Directory incorporating Business Australia. 澳洲政经指南。
- Are you receiving Australian Government funding to undertake your study? 你有否接受澳大利亚政府的学费赞助
- Australian government is every citizen derate the charge of drug of a lot of prescription. 澳大利亚政府为每个公民都减免了很多处方药的费用。
- Once sealed, this envelope is to be opened only at the Australian Government office processing the application. 一旦密封,此信封只能由澳大利亚政府办事处在评审签证申请的时候打开。
- Regardingtoyour personal safety, what do youf nei from the Australian government? 问:对于你的个人安全,你需要澳洲政府做什么?
- Local families, with a license, are strictly selected by Australian government and UIL after inspection. 每个家庭都只有通过考察获得证书才能成为寄宿家庭。
- The Australian government also has a ship shadowing Japan's whaling fleet, and air patrols are watching the hunt. 澳大利亚政府同时也派遣了一艘船来跟踪日本捕鲸船队,并且还在空中对他们的捕杀进行监控。
- But Hill said Sunday he expected to be liaising closely with the Australian government on the matter. 但希尔于周日表示,他希望就此问题与澳大利亚政府保持密切的联系。
- However, Eurobond and Australian government bond may do well in a declining interest rate environment. 然而,欧洲债券和澳洲国债在一个减息的环境里也可能造好。
- The Australian government has been accused of censoring five artists from North Korea by refusing them visas. 澳大利亚政府拒绝了五名来自朝鲜的艺术家的签证。
- Because of the outbreak, the Australian government has listed Tasmanian devils as vulnerable. 澳洲政府因此把袋獾列为“易受伤害”种群。
- The Australian Government plans to phase them out by the end of the year, but it's ruled out a commonwealth levy. 澳洲政府原本计画,今年底淘汰使用塑胶袋,但是因为国家徵税因素而被否决。
- Has the application to which this medical examination is related, already been submitted to an Australian Government office? 与这次体检的相关的签证申请是否已经提交到澳大利亚政府办事处
- Has the application to which this radiological examination is related, already been submitted to an Australian Government office? 这份关于放射线检查的申请是否已经提交澳大利亚政府办事处?
- Once sealed, this envelope is to be opened only by a panel doctor or the Australian Government office processing the application. 一旦封口,该信封只能由医生小组或澳大利亚政府办事处在审核过程中开封。
- The Australian Public Service (APS) provides policy advice to the Australian Government and facilitates the delivery of programs to the Australian community. 澳大利亚公务员制度向澳大利亚政府提供政策建议,并且协助向澳大利亚社会推行各项举措。
- The Australian Government has exercised due care and skill in the preparation and compilation of the information and data set out in this publication. 澳大利亚政府已经对本出版物所列信息和数据付出了应有的谨慎和经验来筹备和编辑本出版物。
- Australian government passes a plan that the name is national health care to offer medical treatment to expend the help of the respect. 澳大利亚政府通过一个名为国民保健的计划来提供医疗费方面的帮助。