- Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer announces a contribution of US$3.8 million in food and medical aid to Myanmar. 澳洲外交部长亚历山大?唐纳宣布捐给缅甸与三百八十万美元等值的食物及医疗援助。
- Rice was speaking at a news conference in Sydney today (Thursday) after meeting with Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. 赖斯星期四在悉尼和澳大利亚外长唐纳会晤后在新闻发布会上说这些话的。
- In a media interview Thursday, Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Dower said the Australian and the Chinese economies were much more complementary than competitor economies. 在媒介会见星期四,说的澳大利亚的外交部长亚历山大嫁妆澳大利亚并且中国的经济比竞争者经济更补足。
- Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith says an Australian executive of mining company Rio Tinto is being detained in China on suspicion of espionage and stealing state secrets. 澳大利亚外交部长史密斯说,澳大利亚矿产公司力拓公司的一位高级主管因涉嫌间谍和窃取国家机密在中国被扣押。
- Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, who was in New York, said his government opposed the test and had called upon Beijing’s ambassador to Australia for an explanation. 中共的卫星杀手试验显然印证了一些美国国会议员的担心,也让一些美国专家对于试验背后的政治和外交动机做了探讨。
- Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said Wednesday that Canberra views the Dalai Lama as a significant religious figure, and said that he is welcome to visit Australia any time. 澳大利亚外长唐纳星期三说,堪培拉把达赖喇嘛视为重要的宗教人物,并说欢迎达赖喇嘛任何时候访问澳大利亚。
- At least 10 Australians were on board the Boeing 737-400, including foreign diplomats and journalists covering Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer's visit to Indonesia. 这架客机上至少有10名澳大利亚人,包括外交官员和报导澳大利亚外长唐纳访问印尼的记者。
- It was noised about that the foreign minister intended to resign. 外界传说外交部长打算辞职。
- The purpose of the foreign minister to visit Australia has taken vent. 外交部长访问澳大利亚的目的已经泄漏。
- Australian Foreign Minister 澳大利亚外交部长
- Now he holds the office of Foreign Minister. 他现在担任外交部长职务。
- John has paged the Foreign Minister. 约翰曾给外交大臣当过听差。
- He will deputize for the foreign minister. 他将代理外交部长。
- The delegation was headed by our Foreign Minister. 这个代表团由我们的外交部长任团长。
- The Russian foreign minister yesterday cancelled. 俄罗斯外长昨天取消了他对华盛顿的访问。
- Japan's foreign minister will not visit US -govt. 日本外相取消访美行程(日本否认美日关系出现矛盾)。
- He assumed office as Foreign Minister. 他担任外交部长。
- S.Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte met Saturday in Canberra with Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Stephen Smith and Defense Minister Joel Fitzgibbon. 美国国防部长盖茨、副国务卿内格罗蓬特星期六在堪培拉同澳大利亚外交部长史密斯和国防部长菲茨吉本举行会面。
- The Premier deputed the Foreign Minister to act as his deputy. 总理委派外交部长作为他的代表。
- The foreign minister is the counterpart of the secretary of state. 外交部长是和国务秘书对等的人