- Auditory Memory Span Test 听觉记忆范围测验
- These experiments are designed to test memory span. 设计这些试验用来测试记忆的长度。
- auditory memory span 听觉记忆阈
- Memory Span Test 记忆广度测验
- A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds. 金鱼的记忆广度有三秒钟之多。
- Working Memory Span: Resource Constraint, Memory Decay or Switching Mechanism? 工作记忆广度:资源限制、记忆消退还是转换机制?
- And there was a different effect between stable dispositional goal orientations and situated achievement goals. Test anxiety (especially worry) was the mediator between dispositional goal orientations and working memory span. 在成就目标中,稳定的特质性目标和不稳定的情境性目标对工作记忆功能的影响存在差异,测验焦虑(尤其是其中的担忧成分)是特质性成就目标影响工作记忆广度的中介变量,任务难度、干扰条件和被试原有工作记忆广度在情境性成就目标与工作记忆功能的关系中起调节作用。
- AIM: To change digit span test in Wechsler Intelligence Scale from individual test to group test. 数字广度团体测验与个别测验的相容效度为0。
- After intermixing with silver,the decolourization effect of various photocatalysis have all been improved a lot.A life span test is also given. 掺杂银后,各种光催化剂的脱色效果又都有明显的提高。
- Four neuropsychological tests were used to examine memory function, including the words recall test,the pictures recall test,the digit span test and Benton visual retention test(C pattern A method and D pattern D method). 应用词语回忆测验、图片回忆测验、数字广度测验、本顿视觉保持测验C式A法及D式D法进行测试。
- The ability tests can measure one抯 basic mental abilities, such as perceptional accuracy, memory span, reaction time. 能力实验可以测定人的各种基本心理能力,如知觉的准确性、记忆的容量、反应的快慢等。
- The Generality of Working Memory Capacity: A Latent-Variable Approach to Verbal and Visuospatial Memory Span and Reasoning. 潜变量模型可以用于工作记忆的研究吗?计划看看这篇文章再来此汇报。
- The influence of working memory span on children's arithmetical strategies was examined in a sample of 113 primary school children in grade 2. 摘要选取113名小学二年级儿童为被试,探讨了工作记忆广度对儿童算术认知策略的影响。
- In these results, the reading ability and working memory span were both the main factors of the individual differences in the topical inference processing. 阅读能力和工作记忆广度都是影响主题推理个体差异的主要因素。
- Studies on Central Mechanism of Auditory Memory for AD Model Rat 宽频噪音对AD模型鼠听觉记忆及中枢机制的研究
- We get the following results:(1) Working memory span affects the correctness percentage of complex sentence comprehension, but has no influence on the reading time of complex sentence comprehension. 工作记忆广度影响阅读理解句子的正确率,而不影响阅读时间;
- The Development of an Attention Span Test System 注意广度测试系统的研制
- This article presents a review on individual difference models in working memory span tasks,and points out three main factors limiting working memory performance in working memory span tasks. 探究工作记忆广度的个体差异对揭示工作记忆实质具有重要的意义,文章首先介绍了工作记忆广度任务的特点,其次,对目前工作记忆广度个体差异的主要理论模型进行阐述和评价,最后总结了可能影响工作记忆广度个体差异的主要因素。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- The difficulty, interfering condition and participants'working memory span perhaps were three moderators of the relation between situated goal orientations and the function of working memory . 针对以上目标和假设进行了三项研究。 研究一以535 名中学生为样本,在问卷调查和运算-词汇广度测验基础上,借助相关分析和多元回归分析技术,考察了特质性成就目标定向与工作记忆广度的关系。