- Audit Service Bureau 审计局
- ISQ provides you an Audit service focused on welding activities. ISQ向客户提供以焊接生产活动为中心的审核活动。
- A service bureau can transform your electronic slides into 35mm slides. 服务机构能将电子幻灯片转换成35毫米大的真正幻灯片。
- However, there is no decentralisation of pay administration, which is centrally managed by the Civil Service Bureau. 不过,由公务员事务局中央处理的薪酬管理工作,仍没有下放。
- What role should the central agencies such as Civil Service Bureau and Finance Bureau play in future pay determination? 公务员事务局及库务局等中央机构在未来的薪酬厘定工作上应担当甚么角色?
- But in recent years, a large number of audit fails shows: The serious quality problem exists in the present audit service. 然而近年来,大量的审计失败案例表明目前的审计服务存在着严重的质量问题。
- The Administration briefed members on the work of the Civil Service Bureau in the promotion of integrity in the civil service. 政府当局向委员简介公务员事务局在促进公务员廉洁操守方面的工作。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law, in 1998 and 1999, which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也协助公务员事务局筹办了两次《基本法》巡回展览,分别在一九九八和一九九九年举行,总参观人数逾43000人。
- To have slides made by Genigraphics, use the Genigraphics Wizard and follow the instructions onscreen. Or follow the instructions provided by your service bureau. 为使建立的幻灯片具有真图形的特点,请选用“真图形向导”选项并按屏幕上的指示去做,或按服务机构提供的指示去做。
- A final report will be issued to the Financial Services Bureau in June 2000. 最后报告将于二零零零年六月送交财经事务局。
- The department also helped the Civil Service Bureau organise two roving exhibitions on the Basic Law,in 1998 and 1999,which attracted altogether more than 43000 people. 此外,律政司也协助公务员事务局筹办了两次《基本法》巡回展览,分别在一九九八和一九九九年举行,总参观人数逾43000人。
- But through further analysis we discover that the international Big4 dare to say "No" to the listed companies by their high grade prestige that is established by high quality in audit service, so as to obtain more audit fees. 但在对审计收费与审计质量的进一步分析中我们发现,国际“四大”所凭借其高质量的审计服务建立起高质量的声誉,敢于对上市公司说“不”,从而收取更高的审计收费。
- To have slides made by Genigraphics,use the Genigraphics Wizard and follow the instructions onscreen. Or follow the instructions provided by your service bureau. 为使建立的幻灯片具有真图形的特点,请选用“真图形向导”选项并按屏幕上的指示去做,或按服务机构提供的指示去做。
- Other audit services stipulated by relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations. 法律、行政法规规定的其他审计业务。
- Content providers have a choice of locating a speech browser at their facilities or outsourcing to an application service provider, carrier or service bureau. 内容提供商可以选择将语音浏览器放在自己的设备上,或者外包给应用服务供应商(ASP)、电信运营商或服务公司。
- The Panel discussed the paper on policy initiatives of the Civil Service Bureau set out in the 2005-06 Policy Agenda, including the reduction of the civil service establishment. 事务委员会讨论当局提供的文件,当中说明2005至06年施政纲领载列的公务员事务局政策措施,包括削减公务员编制。
- Furniture Trader trading portal with direct sourcing from Asian manufacturers and suppliers. Also offers on-site product quality audit services. 亚洲家具生产商,原材料供应商的贸易之门。并提供网上产品质量审查服务。
- Working in parallel, the Community Relations Department has been partnering with the Civil Service Bureau to promote a probity culture in the civil service. 此外,社区关系处亦与公务员事务局合作经年,推动持廉守正的文化。
- For Civil Service Pensioners, the Authorization Form Try 489 is available from the Pensions Division of the Treasury and Pensioners Welfare Unit of Civil Service Bureau. 供退休公务员填写的授权表格Try 489号,可从库务署退休金分部及公务员事务局退休公务员福利组索取。
- The certified public accountants must, in carrying out audit services, produce audit reports in accordance with the audit procedures set in the professional standards and rules. 第二十一条注册会计师执行审计业务,必须按照执业准则、规则确定的工作程序出具报告。