- Athens Olympic Games reports 雅典奥运报道
- What Olympiad is the 2004 Athens Olympic Games? ? 2004雅典奥运会是第几届奥运会?
- What is the emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games? 2004年雅典奥运会的会徽是什么?
- The Torch Relay of the Athens Olympic Games is unique. 雅典奥运会圣火传递活动是很特别的。
- Athens Olympic Games champion Lao Lishi could not be selected. 雅典奥运冠军劳丽诗没能入选。
- The emblem of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games is an interwined olive wreath. 2004年雅典奥运会会徽是一个用橄榄枝编织的花环。
- After the Athens Olympic Games ,people sing high praises of Liu Xiang . 典奥运会以后,人民给予刘翔很高的评价。
- The success of Athens Olympic Games in 1906 seemed to regain the popularity of the Games. 1906年雅典奥运会的成功似乎使这项赛事再一次受到人们的喜爱。
- Liu Xiang is the famous athlete who won the 28th Athens Olympic Games men's 110m hurdles champion. 刘翔是一位著名的运动员,他获得了第28届奥运会男子110栏冠军。
- Yet it was hard to believe that USA lost to Dominican Republic in Athens Olympic Games 2004. 至今很难让人相信美国队在2004年雅典奥运会中输给了多米尼加。
- The Athens Olympic Games have showcased technology that makes athletes go faster. 雅典奥运会成为了技术产品的展示台。这些技术使运动员的速度更快。
- It was reveled that the audience rating of the sports programs during the session of the Athens Olympic Games. 结果表明:奥运会期间体育节目收视率大幅上扬,妇女、儿童等非传统观众群体踊跃参与观赏活动,奥运赛事观赏呈现“全民性”特征;
- It's one of eight cruise ships that will be home to thousands of dignitaries, world leaders and officials during the Athens Olympic Games. 这艘游艇是八艘大型游艇中的一艘,它将为众多的权贵,领导人和官员在奥运期间提供住宿。
- The 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games had four mascots; the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games had three; the 2004 Athens Olympic Games had two. 1998年长野冬奥会有4个吉祥物,悉尼奥运会有3个,雅典奥运会则是2个。
- Although the performance of China's delegacy in Athens Olympic Games was good,unluckily,its sprint has not got breakthrough. 雅典奥运,我国体育代表团取得了辉煌的战绩,但令人遗憾的是在短跑项目上仍未有所突破。
- In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Japanese Women's Volleyball Team participated a high level, some of the p;ayers acquired Top monomial awarding. 在去年举办的雅典奥运会上,日本女排的出色表现是有目共睹的,在其中的四项单项技术排名中均有本国运动员获奖。
- Athens Olympic Games, China to participate in the women's skeet competition from Liaoning's Gao E, at the time she was in the third. 雅典奥运会,中国参加女子双向飞碟比赛的是来自辽宁的高娥,当时她获得第三。
- Today, people can hardly believe that some athletes of 1896 Athens Olympic Games were the tour guests who had traveled in this city coincidentally. 今天,人们几乎无法相信,参加1896年雅典奥运会的一些运动员竟然是当时碰巧在这个城市旅游的游客。
- At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, I realized my championship dream, and from then on, winning the gold in my country was my unshakeable goal. 2004年雅典奥运会,我实现了奥运冠军的梦想,从那时起,在自己的祖国卫冕奥运冠军就是我心中不可动摇的目标。
- Why, at the 1896 Athens Olympic Games, was Irishman John Boland so surprised when he won the first-ever gold medal for tennis? 为什么爱尔兰人John Boland 在1896年奥运会上让人惊异地获得了网球金牌?Because he never played before.;?因为他从未打过网球