- At full towing power with tow 拖带被拖物全速拖航时
- A big ship ploughed the sea at full sail. 一艘大船张满帆在海面上破浪前进。
- The cyclist went at full sail along the track. 自行车手沿着跑道全速前进。
- He drove the car at full speed through the town. 他驾驶汽车全速穿过那座城镇。
- The taxi sped off at full speed. 那辆出租车飞快地开走了。
- The motorcycles were spinning along at full speed. 摩托车正全速疾驰。
- Don't play your radio at full volume. 不要把收音机开到最大的音量。
- Now with tow elastic straps for a more secure fit. 两条弹性魔术带,更稳定、可靠。
- These paintings can't compete in expressive power with those ones. 这些水彩画在表达能力方面比不上那些。
- We'll finish the job at full strain. 我们将竭尽全力来完成此项工作。
- The boy lay at full length on the grass. 男孩伸直身体躺在草地上。
- The boys were running at full pelt. 男孩子们急速地奔跑著。
- The train was going at full speed. 火车在全速行驶。
- They seized power with the aid of the armed forces. 他们靠武装夺取了政权。
- The truck rolled on at full speed. 那辆卡车全速向前奔驰。
- He obtained great power with the local businessmen. 他在当地商人中变得很有权势。
- The patient have recover soon with tow weeks's careful cure. 病人经过两个礼拜的精心治疗,恢复得很好。
- The so great power with the person's true volition? 人的意志真的那么大的力量吗?
- Mounting on her bicycle, Mary rode at full speed down the street. 玛丽骑上自行车,沿着街道全速驶去。
- An orchestra play at full blast is a tremendous sound. 管弦乐队全力演奏声音大得惊人。