- Astrologer and fortune teller 星占学家和算命先生
- Holly went to a fortune teller one night and had her fortune read. 霍莉有天晚上去找算命先生给她算了一命。
- Hollywent to a fortune teller one night and had her fortune read. 霍莉有天晚上去找算命先生给她算了一命。
- Eventually he wearied of wooing fame and fortune. 他终於对追名逐利感到厌倦了。
- They saw a fortune teller down the road and asked for their future. 心血来潮的在路边看到了算命师看相,也问了他们的未来。
- Fame and fortune beckoned to them. 名誉和运气诱惑着他们。
- She moved to London in search of fame and fortune. 她为了追逐名利,搬迁到了伦敦。
- She quitted at the height of her fame and fortune. 她在名利双收的鼎盛时期隐退了。
- The fortune teller predicted I would get married this year! 算命师预测我今年会结婚。
- I wanted to know my fortune so I went to a fortune teller. 我想知道自己的运势,所以去找算命的人。
- Troubles will cease and fortune will smile upon u. 烦恼即将终止,幸运之神将对你展露笑颜。
- Had a nose for news; eager for fame and fortune. 消息灵通;渴求名利
- He lusted after fame and fortune. 他贪图名利。
- Winning the game involves both skill and fortune. 要赢得比赛,既要技巧也要运气。
- "Yes, you will," the fortune teller says looking into her chrystal ball. "是的,你会的",算命师看了看水晶球后说。
- The Gypsy fortune teller offers to refund your money when she sees your future. 吉普赛命理师算到你的未来后;主动退钱给你.
- Title and fortune communicate a splendor all around them. 爵位和财产会给予周围的人一种光彩。
- My father was always looking for a shortcut to fame and fortune. 我父亲总是在找成名发财的捷径。
- The fortune teller told Jane that there was an adventure for her just around the corner. 算命先生对简说她即将有奇遇。
- Astrology and alchemy are occult sciences. 占星学和炼丹术为神秘之学。