- Assyntian orogeny 阿森特造山运动
- The period was one of general emergence and orogeny. 这个时期是全面的上升和造山运动。
- The granitic magma is rising and diffusing with buoyancy and then in the form of diapire in upper crust which resulted in the extending orogeny. 在浮力作用下花岗岩浆不断上升扩张,在上地壳内以底辟形式就位,使上地壳产生伸展造山。
- Since the Permian, the Tarim Basin had undergone basinal extension, subduction and intro-continental orogeny. 塔里木盆地自二叠纪以来,历经盆地扩张和盆地俯冲以及陆内造山作用的过程。
- The result also support that the Mesoproterozoic orogen in KangdianArea may be related to Grenville orogeny. 富良棚凝灰岩SHRIMP U-Pb年龄也表明康滇南部发育的中元古代晚期造山活动,可能与全球Grenville期造山运动相关。
- The results indicated that this region is mainly affected by the NNE Neocathaysian orogeny and the NW rift tectonic. 结果表明 ;本区主要受北北东向新华夏构造和北西向的断裂构造影响 .
- Near NW-SE compressive folding occurred in early Yanshan orogeny, when it began to buckle. 燕山早期运动主要为NW-SE向的挤压褶皱作用,断裂带走向开始弯曲变形;
- The Mesozoic intracontinental orogeny of the Yanshan Mountains developed on a weak zone within the craton. 摘要中生代燕山陆内造山带是在克拉通软弱带上发育起来的。
- Tsai, Y.-B.(1979) Plate subduction and the Plio-Pleistocene orogeny in Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 15, 1-10. 蔡义本(1978)台湾地区板块隐没作用与蓬莱造山运动之关系。台湾石油地质,第15号,第1-10页。
- Major faults in this area were evolved from the antecedent faults during the Himalayan orogeny. 认为区内部分断层是继承先成断层发育而来,部分断层是喜马拉雅期运动的产物;
- Lushan-Pengshan region was a metamorphic core formed by tensional regimes in the early Indosinian orogeny. 庐山-彭山地区原是一个经受印支早期伸展机制下所形成的变质核。
- Maginal orogeny was formed on this condition with same relative motion trend between lithosphere and asthenosphere. 板缘造山主要表现为岩石圈和软流圈以基本相同的运动趋势的相对运动。
- The earth movements associated with the orogeny triggered an extensive igneous activity. 伴随着造山运动的地壳运动出发了一场广泛的火成活动。
- Larger scale reservoirs formed during Yanshan orogeny may exist in Jurassicin hinterland of Junggar basin. 腹部侏罗系中可能还存在着规模较大的燕山期油藏。
- The cycle of geosyncline formation and orogeny can be integrated with the plate tectonics concept of opening and closing oceans in a simple and natural way. 这种地槽的形成与造山作用的循环可以以一种简单和自然的方式与板块构造的海洋开合理论结合起来。
- Because of Yizheng orogeny in Late Cretaceous, braided delta system of Anfeng was formed by rifling in Subei Basin and rising of sedimentary base level. 摘要受晚白垩世仪征运动的影响,苏北盆地拉张断陷,沉积基准面上升,从而形成了比较完整的安丰退积型辫状三角洲沉积体系。
- Because of Yizheng orogeny in Late Cretaceous,braided delta system of Anfeng was formed by rifting in Subei Basin and rising of sedimentary base level. 受晚白垩世仪征运动的影响,苏北盆地拉张断陷,沉积基准面上升,从而形成了比较完整的安丰退积型辫状三角洲沉积体系。
- Whereas the intraplate orogeny show that an inharmonious relative motion between different spheres was happened in the same region. 板内造山主要表现为同一区域内岩石圈、流圈等不同层圈之间的不协调的相对运动。
- Later, uplift during the Laramide orogeny caused by the uplift of the Pikes Peak massif tilted the rocks to the angle at which they sit today. 之后,派克峰断层的抬升引起拉腊米山岩抬升,使得这些石头形成今天倾斜的样子。
- The major orogeny occurred here in the Mesozoic and Cenozoic,during which the rocks were strongly compressed to form linear folds and nappes. 中、新生代构造运动是燕山地区主要造山作用期,基本特征是强烈挤压形成线状褶皱及推覆构造系统。