- Assured Destruction Force 确保摧毁力量
- The destructive force of the storm is huge. 暴风雨的破坏力是巨大的。
- The determent policy has been dubbed MAD,an appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction. 核禁政策称为MAD,很贴切,是表示保证互相毁灭的缩合字。
- The determent policy has been dubbed MAD , an appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction. 核禁政策称为mad,很贴切,是表示保证互相毁灭的缩合字。
- The determent policy has been dubbed MAD, an appropriate acronym which stands for mutual assured destruction. 核禁政策称为MAD,很贴切,是表示保证互相毁灭的缩合字。
- For the moment, the balance is maintained by what Nick Carn of Odey, a hedge-fund group, calls “mutually assured destruction”. 目前,平衡由NickCarnofOdey,一家对冲基金机构所称的“互相毁灭”保持着。
- It provides scant counsel on same-sex marriage or eating meat.It is silent on the desirability of mutual assured destruction as a strategy for deterring nuclear war. 它在解释同性婚姻或肉食人群方面显得乏善可陈,在使用“确保相互摧毁”作为一种遏制核战争的战略出台时沉默不语。
- The most destructive force is gossip in the world. 流言是世间最厉害的破坏力。
- Passion proves the most dramatically destructive force. 情欲是最有戏剧性的毁灭力量。
- Severe damage witnessed the destructive force of the storm . 严重的损害表明了暴风雨的破坏力。
- What is the most destructive force for natural enviroment? 对于自然环境来说,什么是最大的破坏力量?
- Severe damage witnessed the destructive force of the storm. 严重的损害表明了暴风雨的破坏力。
- The destructive force of the strong earthquake is huge. 强地震的破坏力是巨大的。
- mutual assured destruction strategy 相互确保摧毁战略
- What is the most destructive force for natural environment? 对于自然环境来说,什么是最大的破坏力量?
- Such was the destructive force of this flood that few land animals and plants survived. 这次洪水的破坏如此之大以至很少有陆地上的动物和植物幸存。
- Atomic power is associated in the public mind with the destructive force of atom bombs. 在公众的心目中,原子能是和原子弹的破坏力联系在一起的。
- Overconfidence was his destruction. 自负是他垮台的原因。
- Please rest assured that repayment is ensured. 请您放心,还款是有保障的。
- The most destructive force against marriage is apathy, indifferent to each other. 婚姻最大的敌人就是冷漠,彼此的冷漠。