- Asplenium oldhamin. 东南铁角蕨
- Figure 1. Asplenium nidus. A. Width of plants; B. 图一、台湾山苏花。A、植株宽度;B丛径。
- Dendrocalamopsis oldhami (Monro) Keng f. 绿竹
- Asplenium ensiforme Wall. ex Hk. et Grev. 剑叶铁角蕨 Sword-leaved Spleenwort.
- Title: Advance in study of Dendrocalamopsis oldhami(Munro)Keng f. 关键词:绿竹;栽培;研究现状;发展
- Deng,is proposed for Asplenium qiujiangense Ching ex S.H. Deng以代替晚出同名 Asplenium qiujiangense Chingex S.;H
- Asplenium nidus, Conservatory, Hong Kong Park, Central. 雀巢蕨,香港公园温室,中环。
- Moore[Asplenium zeylanicum Hook.;Triblemma zeylanicumHook. 拉丁植物动物矿物名Diplazium zeylanicumHook.
- Asplenium unilaterale Lam. and its confused species in China. 半边铁角蕨及其一些国产混淆种的研究.
- It will provide basic references contributing to systematics of Asplenium L. 为铁角蕨属的分类和系统演化研究提供孢粉学的资料。
- Studies on Asplenium varians Wall. ex Hook. et Grev. and confused species. 变异铁角蕨和其混淆种的正误研究.
- Effects of N,P,K application and their optimum fertilization parameters for Sinocalamue oldhami in alluvion soil area. 冲积土区域绿竹氮磷钾施肥反应及其最优施肥参数的研究
- Taking fresh bambusa oldhami as main materials, we developed savory and tastysugar-vinegar of flexible package. 选取新鲜马蹄笋为原料,研制出风味口感俱佳的软包装糖醋马蹄笋。
- Temperate and tropical lady ferns; in some classifications placed in family Polypodiaceae or in the genus Asplenium. 温带和热带地区的蹄盖蕨类植物;在一些分类中归入水龙骨科或铁角蕨类。
- Classification used in some especially former systems for plants usually placed in genus Asplenium. 特别在以前的一些植物分类中经常归入铁角蕨属。
- Abstract: Being a rising industry, the Bambusa oldhami Wen is a highlight in the industrialization of Wenzhou's forestry, and it is expanding towards the world market. 文章摘要: 绿竹这一朝阳产业,是温州林业产业化中的一个亮点,正朝着国际化方向发展。
- There are still some damp tolerant species like Phyllostachys heteroclada, B.multiplex raeuschel var. luteawen, bambusa oldhami which can grow healthily by the water side. 在一些潮湿低压地区,为了增加竹林的观赏价值,人们常采取措施来改造土地来使其符合竹子的生长条件。
- And the culm weight table on g oldhami was worked out accurately using single entry and duality entry models.It can be used in the culm production and distribution on D. oldham... 由一元和二元重量模型导出绿竹秆材重量表精确可靠,可在绿竹生产、销售及绿竹林资产评估中使用。
- An Old World tropical fern(Asplenium nidus), having undivided leaves arranged in a clump resembling a bird`s nest and popular as a houseplant. 鸟巢蕨:一种东半球热带蕨类植物(巢蕨铁角蕨属),有排列成簇的未分裂树叶,形如鸟巢,通常做为室内植物
- Scrophularia oldhami Oliv. [医] 玄参