- Asphodel Gone with a Carp 水仙已乘鲤鱼去
- She made the whole party go with a swing. 她把整个聚会搞得热热闹闹的。
- She watched him go with a sinking heart. 她心情沉重地看着他走了。
- Wine and music help the party go with a swing. 美酒和音乐让派对非常成功。
- Can a singular verb go with a plural noun? 单数动词能与复数名词一起用吗?
- Some navy ones go with a very good zipper! 蓝色的短裤有非常漂亮的拉鍊唷!!
- We paid off the police to let us go with a warning. 我们贿赂警察,让我们只得到一次警告就离开。
- You will probably learn more on this trip if you go with a courier. 如果跟导游一起走,你大概会从这次旅游中学到更多的东西。
- They go with a resolution of self-sacrifice in the name of Bethune. 为了白求恩,他们抱着自我牺牲的决心出发了。
- Come and join the party,it's going with a swing! 来参加晚会,正热闹着呢!
- The party went with a swing and we all enjoyed it. 聚会进行得很顺利,我们大家玩得痛快。
- He goes with a different woman every week. 他一星期换一个女人.
- How do you think it goes with a miniskirt? 你觉得这配一件迷你裙怎么样?
- They showed a video of "Gone with the Wind". 他们放了录像片《乱世佳人》。
- It went with a minimun of bureaucracy and maximum speed. 这件事办得官样文章最少,速度最快。
- Famous tennis shoes go with a celeBrity's elegant demeanour. 名牌球鞋,名人风采。
- It's advisable that they go with a clearly defined goal in mind. 他们去时最好在思想上有一个明确的目标。
- The actress wanted a hat to go with her dress. 女演员需要一顶与衣服相配的帽子。
- The typical gentleman in English always go with a unbrella. 典型的英国绅士总是带着一把雨伞.
- Please wait a minute, I'll go with you out of hand. 请等一下,我立即跟你走。