- Ask Rudi A Fresh Start 全新的开始
- He insisted that we should make a fresh start. 他硬要我们重新开始。
- I would like to move to another town and make a fresh start. 我想搬到另一个城市去,从头做起。
- The reshuffle is a fresh start, she said. 这次改组是一个新的起点,她说。
- A Fresh Start for the Middle East? 中东的新开端?
- So Hoff, 20, decided she needed a fresh start. 所以20岁的她,决定要到新的地方重新开始。
- When he came out of prison, he decided to make a fresh start. 他出狱后, 决心重新做人。
- I found that what I was doing was no good, so I made a fresh start. 我发现我所做的都没用, 所以我又从头干起。
- I found that what I was doing was no good,so I made a fresh start. 我发现我正在干的事干得很糟,所以就重新开始。
- She's moving abroad to make a fresh start(= to begin a new life). 她要移居国外,开始新的生活。
- Let's go back to the assemble line, ready for a fresh start. 请回到集合线上,准备再次起跑。
- You should try to put your suffering out of your head,and make a fresh start. 你应该尽量忘掉过去的苦难,一切重新开始。
- Once you've stepped off on the wrong foot,it's difficult to make a fresh start. 一旦你头三脚踢不开,再重新开始就难了。
- Kelly had found herself a fresh start and new friends like Michelle. 凯莉找到了自己新的开始和新朋友,例如米歇尔。
- Determined to make a fresh start in her life, she moved to a new city. 她搬到了一个新的城市,决定开始自己的新生活。
- The longer she wallows in feelings of guilt the harder it will be for her to make a fresh start. 她越是长期不能摆脱有罪的感觉,就越难以重新做人。
- It should be made clear to the public that all those willing to repent will be given a chance to make a fresh start. 应明白宣布,凡愿意悔过者均予以自新之路。
- A fresh coat of paint can transform a room. 房间重新粉刷一遍可大为改观。
- Let's admit there are mistakes on both sides; We'll bury the past and try to make a fresh start. 我们承认双方都有错误,我们将既往不咎,重新开始。
- All this voting gives Haitians the chance of a fresh start, but it has also diverted resources from other priorities. 所有这些选举让海地人迎来了重新开始的机会,但它也转移了其它优先事务上的资源。