- The cecum is not very developed.A comparison between Asio flammeus and some other birds were made. 肠道较体长略长,其中小肠最发达,具有不甚发达的双侧盲肠。
- Length of the CR was 3 290 bp, 2 848 bp, 2 444 bp, and 1 771 bp for Asio flammeus, Asio otus, Athene noctua, and Strix aluco, respectively. 结果表明:短耳?的调控区长度为3290bp; 长耳?为2848bp;
- The whole mitochondrial DNA control region sequence of Asio flammeus, Asio otus, Athene noctua and Strix aluco were sequenced, which demonstrate that the length of the control region is 3290bp, 2848bp, 2444bp and 1771bp, respectively. 利用Long-PCR和Primer Walking的方法对?形目的短耳?、长耳?、纵纹腹小?、灰林?四种鸟类的线粒体调控区进行了全序列测定。 实验结果表明:短耳?的调控区长度为3290bp;
- A New Record of Bird Species in Guangxi--Asio flammeus 广西鸟类新纪录--短耳鸮
- Asio flammeusn. 短耳鸮(鸱鸮科)
- Useful for troubleshooting. Attempts to use an ASIO driver in software mode. 解决故障有用。尝试以软件模拟的方式使用ASIO驱动。
- Agencies such as the CIA, ASIS and ASIO should be accountable to appropriately selected committees etc. 机构象CIA和美国情报科学协会和澳洲安全情报组织应该对选择适当委员会等负有责任。
- Objective:to observe the treatment effect on nevus flammeus with copper vapor laser in photodynamic therapy (PDT). 目的:观察铜蒸汽激光用于光动力疗法对鲜红斑痣的治疗效果。
- A patch is a large macule, 1cm or greater in diameter, as may be seen in nevus flammeus or vitiligo. 直径大于1厘米的斑疹称为斑片,如见于焰痣、白癜风。
- Any of various small owls of the genus Otus, especially O. asio, of North America, having ear tufts and a quavering, whistlelike call. 叫枭,仓鸮:北美的一种角鸮属小鸮枭,尤指呜角鸮,有耳毛并发出颤抖如同哨子般的声音
- On Windows Vista, an ASIO error will occur if an ASIO stream is opened on a Line 6 device which already has a WDM stream open. 在窗口景色, ASIO 错误将发生如果ASIO 小河被打开在已经有一条WDM 小河开放的线6 设备。
- Methods The food pellets of the wintering Asio otus were collected from urban parks and suburb area of Beijing from 2003 to 2006. 方法于2003-2006年冬季应用直接观察法,在北京市城区和城郊结合部收集冬季长耳鸮的食团,分析内容物中鼠类的种类和数量构成。
- The new provision will prohibit the approval of a citizenship applicant who is assessed by ASIO as a risk to the security of Australia. 如果澳大利亚安全情报组织认为申请入籍之人士是澳洲安全的危险因素,新条款禁止批准其入籍。
- A 6-month-old boy had nevus flammeus over the left periorbital region and blue pigmentation over both sclerae and generalized body surface since birth. 摘要一个6个月大男婴,出生时,左眼眶周围呈焰色痣,眼巩膜及全身皮肤有深蓝色色素沉著。
- Objective Analyzing the prey rodent species components of wintering Asio otus and evaluating the special-temporal dynamics of the predation rates on these species. 摘要目的分析越冬期长耳鸮食物的构成,评估对不同鼠种捕食强度的时空动态。
- The second case is a 20-year-old female student.A solitary choriodal hemangioma with ipsilateral facial nevus flammeus, complicated retinal detachment, cataract and glaucoma seas found. 另一为20岁女性,伴有与患眼同侧脸部焰色痣的单一型脉络膜血管瘤,并发视网膜剥离,白内障及青光眼。
- Cupric vapor laser for nevus flammeus in 15 cases 铜蒸汽激光治疗鲜红斑痣15例临床分析
- Three Cases of Nevus Flammeus with Nevus of Ota 鲜红斑痣与太田痣并发3例报告
- Rodent components in the food of Asio otus in Beijing area 北京市越冬长耳鸮食物中鼠类成分调查
- Clinical analysis of 258 cases of nevus flammeus treated by pulsed dye laser 脉冲染料激光治疗258例鲜红斑痣临床分析