- As he is a parson, he has to respect the cloth. 由于他是牧师,言行须顾虑到自己的身份。
- It happened even as he had expected. 事情正如他所料的那样发生了。
- He has had it hard and gets discouraged. 他处境因难,感到沮丧。
- He has a perch in his father's bank for as long as he wants it. 他在他父亲的银行里占有一高位,想占多久就多久。
- He has a good disguise, but as soon as he speaks he betray himself. 他伪装得很好,可是一说话就原形毕露了。
- He brazened it out as long as he could, but finally he had to admit his guilt. 他一直厚着脸皮抵赖,但最后不得不认罪了。
- He has been recognized as he deserves. 他得到了应受的报答。
- The event came about as he had predicted it . 事件的发生正如他所预测的一样。
- If the boss was defeated, would he have it in mind? 如果经理输了,他会不会怀恨在心?
- He had his head down as he walked out of the court. 他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋。
- Virgil: That's none of my concern. Did he have it? 维吉尔:那些和我毫无关系。他有这东西吗?(指项链)
- How terribly ill he looks, but he's only reaping as he has sown in youth. 他看起来病得很重,但这只不过是他年轻时生活放荡所结下的恶果。
- Vergil: That's none of my concern. Did he have it? 维吉尔:我对此毫无兴趣。他带著那个么?
- Then the 'Cat seemed to stagger, howling, as he had it in his sights for a second and more, washing the Wolverine's raving blast across it. 被雷用步枪持续瞄准了一秒多钟,大猫一直浸沐在金刚狼步枪凶狠的射流里,嚎叫着,开始踉跄。
- As he was a parson, he has to respect the cloth. 由于他是牧师,言行须顾虑到自己的身份。
- The event came about as he had predicted it. 事件的发生正如他所预测的一样。
- As he is a parson,he has to respect the cloth. 由于他是牧师,言行须顾虑到自己的身份。
- I feel sorry about Jack's failing that course but he had it coming to him. 我为杰克那门功课不及格感到遗憾,但那是他的报应。
- Mr Wang's car is going like a bomb since he had it serviced at the garage. 自从李先生的车在汽车修理厂检修过以来,他的车跑得很快。
- As he was a parson,he has to respect the cloth. 由于他是牧师,言行须顾虑到自己的身份。