- 隆美尔,E.J.E.(1891-1944)Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel (1891~1944)
- 肯塔尔,A.T.de(1842-1891)Antero Targuinio de Quental (1842~1891)
- As,As
- 1940年代the 1940's
- AS号AS number
- 1940年代末1940s
- 班廷,弗雷德里克·格朗1891-1941加拿大生理学家。因发现了胰岛素而获1923年诺贝尔奖Canadian physiologist. He shared a1923 Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 痕量AsTrace arsenic
- 班廷,弗雷德里克 格朗1891-1941加拿大生理学家。因发现了胰岛素而获1923年诺贝尔奖Canadian physiologist.He shared a1923Nobel Prize for the discovery of insulin.
- 博希,卡尔1874-1940德国化学家,因发展了化学高压处理方法而获1931年诺贝尔奖Dutch painter whose largely religious works are characterized by grotesque, fantastic creatures mingling with human figures.
- AS-ODNantisense olignucleotides
- 但是现在是1944年。与纳粹1940、41年连连取胜时大不相同。But this is the year 1944,much has happened since the Nazi triumphs of 1940,41.
- 内尔维,皮尔·卢伊戈1891-1979意大利建筑师和钢筋混凝土装饰用途方面的开拓者Italian architect and pioneer in the decorative use of reinforced concrete.
- 三国同盟(1940)Tripartite Pact(1940)
- 据中国海关统计,今年1-7月,我国共完成进出口总额1891.1亿美元,比去年同期(下同)增长5.4%。According to the statistics of the Chinese Customs,China's import and export totalled 189.11 billion US dollars between January and July of this year,increasing by 5.4%25 as compared to the corresponding period of last year (similarly hereafter).
- As(V)As(V)
- 乐甫,A.E.H.(1863-1940)Augustus Edward Hough Love (1863~1940)
- 据中国海关统计,今年1--7月,我国共完成进出口总额1891.1亿美元,比去年同期(下同)增长5.4%。According to the statistics of the Chinese Customs, China' s import and export totalled 189.11 billion US dollars between January and July of this year, increasing by 5.4%25 as compared to the corresponding period of last year (similarly hereafter).