- Using NC technology to change the methods of using traditional mechanical-pattern process artillery rifle, replacing to adjust the position of mechanical-cams by modifying the manipulative parameters. 采用数控技术改造传统机械靠模加工火炮膛线的方法,通过修改电子凸轮的控制参数以取代机械凸轮位置调整。
- To ensure the real-time in artillery rifle automation manufacturing,before starting,put the first interpolation result of the rifle selected by user into the extend memory in forms of frame. 为保证火炮身管膛线数控自动加工过程的实时性,启动自动加工前,将用户选定的膛线加工数据按微直线进行粗插补,其结果按帧结构存放到主机扩展内存。
- Off-Line Handling Method for Processing Data of Artillery Rifle 火炮身管膛线加工数据的离线处理方法
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- The hunter steadied his rifle and fired. 猎人端稳了猎枪,然后开了火。
- The rifle was discharged accidently. 步枪走火了。
- It's time for our artillery to hit back. 现在是我方炮兵回击敌人的时候了。
- The guard was killed with a high-powered rifle. 那卫兵被杀伤力大的火枪击毙了。
- And heaven's artillery thunder in the skies? 难道我不曾听见战场上的炮轰,天空中的霹雳?
- The enemy infantry were made mincemeat of by our artillery. 敌步兵让咱们的炮火打得稀巴烂。
- Rifle reports could be heard in the distance. 听得见远处传来的步枪声。
- Artillery and aircraft were involved in the action. 在这次战斗中,使用了大炮和飞机。
- A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。
- Artillery fire caused heavy loss. 炮火造成重大损失。
- He pulled the trigger of his rifle. 他扣响了他步枪的扳机。
- Rest the butt of the rifle on the ground. 把步枪竖放在地上。
- The soldier carried his rifle at port. 那士兵双手斜持步枪。
- The robber was armed with a rifle. 强盗有配备步枪。
- The artillery did great execution. 这种大炮的威力很大。
- Get a rifle that shoots straight. 找一杆射得准的步枪来。