- Arthrobotrys conoidesn. 圆锥节丛孢
- The article not only presents the first, second and third elemental form of pseudo sphere, but also the third elemental form of conoid and curve. 摘要不但给出了伪球面的第一基本形式、第二基本形式及第三基本形式,而且给出了一般曲面的第三基本形式。
- The development patterns of conidia of Arthrobotrys and its allied genera in nematophagous hyphomycetes were studied by the method of chamber culture. 采用小室培养法对食线虫丝孢菌节丛孢及其相关属的分生孢子发育类型进行了研究。
- The capturing effect of 5 strains of Arthrobotrys oligospora on the 3rd larvae of parasitic nematodes of sheep was described in the present study. 本文报道了5株寡孢节丛孢菌在体外对绵羊粪便中混合感染线虫幼虫的捕食效果。
- Note the rupture of the periosteal sleeve and complete rupture of the trapezoid and conoid ligaments. 记录骨膜外壳破裂及斜方和圆锥韧带完全断裂。
- Furthermore, both coracoclavicular ligaments (the trapezoid and the conoid) were ruptured. 此外,喙锁韧带(斜方和圆锥韧带)都断裂。
- The Nematode-destroying Fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora CIMH1appeared in septate hypha and conidia during the different growing period . 捕食线虫性真菌少孢节丛孢菌CIMH1株在不同发育时期有菌丝和孢子两种形态。
- The conoid is a hollow truncated cone.The conoid and spical vesicule can stretch and contract. 裂殖子的头部由顶泡、锥体和极环组成,锥体和顶泡可以伸缩;
- The radiant head can be turned in the way of conoid angle and the radiant heat always focus on the surface on the bed. 辐照灯箱可作圆锥形角度转动,辐射热量始终聚焦在床面上;
- The head of the merozoite consists of a conoid,an apical vesicule and polar ring. 裂殖子的膜下微管24根,起始于极环,向后延伸至细胞核处;
- The results showed that the development pattern of conidia of Arthrobotrys was holoblastic sympodial , and that of Monacrosporium and Dactylella was holoblastic . 结果表明,节丛孢属分生孢子的发育类型为全壁芽生合轴式产孢,单顶孢属和隔指孢属的发育类型为全壁芽生式产孢。
- The peony is erect, half in three kinds of plant, flat round buds, have conoid, and all round, pointed. 牡丹有直立、半开展、开展三种株形,花蕾有圆、扁圆、尖圆、长尖圆诸形。
- The development patterns of twenty-one species were reported and the development processes of several representative species of Arthrobotrys were described in detail in the paper. 报道了21个种的发育类型并描述了节丛孢属部分代表种的详细发育过程。
- Next, the clavicle sustained a direct blow that caused it to fracture (possibly completing the rupture of the trapezoid and conoid ligaments). 接着,锁骨相同的直线打击造成了锁骨骨折(斜方和圆锥韧带可能完全断裂)。
- The conidia of Arthrobotrys oligospora in vitro were able to survive in the fluid of rumen, abomasums and duodenum of sheep and could pass through the gastro-intestinal tract of rabbits. 捕食线虫性真菌---少孢节丛孢菌菌株分生孢子在体外对绵羊瘤胃液、真胃液、十二指肠液具有耐受力,在通过兔子消化道后仍能存活;
- conelike redpepper (capsicum annuum var. conoides) 朝天椒
- (C. a. L. Var. conoides (Mill) Irish); NO. 第四类是2号朝天椒-1;10号朝天椒-2;它们属于朝天椒(C.;a
- Capsicum annuum L.var. conoides Irish [医] 圆锥辣椒
- ovary conoid, ca. 10 mm, tomentose; 子房圆锥形,约毫米,被绒毛;
- ovary conoid, ca. 5 mm, densely glandular-hairy; 子房圆锥形,约5毫米,密被腺毛;