- Army Training Literature Program 陆军训练教材计划
- Army Training Literature 陆军训练教材
- The army training exercises ended with a mock battle. 军事训练演习以一场模拟战结束。
- The army trained its cannon on the fort . 这支军队把一门大炮对准了那座碉堡。
- The army trained its cannon on the fort. 这支军队把一门大炮对准了那座碉堡。
- Army Wide Training Literature Program 陆军通用训练教材计划
- The commanders of the Red Guards should be people who have been sent from the counties to the Red Army training corps and have finished their training. 赤卫队的指挥官,由各县派人进红军所办的教导队受训后充当。
- After the war, his friend Kraemer got him a job as an instructor in an Army training school that paid $10,000 a year. 战争结束后,他的朋友克莱默给他找了一个工作,到一个每年付给他一万美元的军事训练学校任教。
- During basic army training, a sergeant was telling his group how a submachine gun sprayed bullets. 在一个陆军基本训练营里,一个长官跟下属解释小型机关枪是如何的扫射子弹。
- Conclusion Knee injury is one of the common type in army training,and the characteristics are the injuring of m... 超声可作为一种简便、经济、快捷有效的检查膝关节病变的辅助检查方法。
- Under no circumstances can we slacken the armies training. 军队的训练绝对不能弛懈。
- He has smoked up to 20 Marlboro Lights a day ever since, even though his year-long army training course at Sandhurst, according to the report. 该报道称,哈里王子曾经一天要抽20根万宝路香烟,即使在桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院接受一年的军训期间也是如此。
- It is demand of army training and equipment development that the training simulator is used for armament maintaining and operation training. 摘要采用模拟训练器进行装备的维修和操作训练已成为部队训练和装备发展的要求。
- They act as “enemy commandoes” against other PLA units in the combat exercise regularly held in the Army training centre near Beijing. 在北京附近的陆军训练中心,他们担任敌人突击队对抗其他PLA单位。
- Armywide Doctrinal and Training Literature 陆军条令与训练文献
- Army-Wide Doctrine and Training Literature Program 陆军条令与训练文献汇编计划
- Afghan officials say a suicide bomber blew himself up outside an army training center in Kabul Wednesday, killing nine people, including himself, and wounding at least 20 others. 阿富汗官员说,一名自杀炸弹杀手星期三在喀布尔一个陆军训练中心外引爆炸弹身亡,炸死包括他本人在内的九人,炸伤至少20人。
- Methods One hundred and fifty-six cases of knee injury by army training in our hospital since 2002 were analyzed the ultrasonographic changes and characteristics. 方法:分析2002年至今我科应用高频超声检查部队训练所致膝关节损伤的声像图改变及特点。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。