- Army Corps Ordnance 陆军军械勤务(处)
- The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineers Research. 美国陆军工程兵研究与发展中心。
- One army corps lost two thirds of its transport animals. 有一个军团死掉了三分之二的驮畜。
- She was commissioned lieutenant in the Women's Army Corps. 她被委任为陆军妇女队的中尉.
- She was commissioned(as a)lieutenant in the Women's Army Corps. 她被委任为陆军妇女队的中尉.
- ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. 门口的反光池做的一般,个人觉得比林肯纪念堂那个建筑和反光池组合差远了...
- France and Germany agreed to form a joint army corps. 法国和德国同意建立一支联合军队。
- The Ministry of National Defence has recently-died the troops in army corps. 最近国防部把军队编成了兵团。
- The Ministry of National Defence has recently -died the troops in army corps. 最近国防部把军队编成了兵团。
- Haig's 1st Army Corps served with distinction at Mons and at First Ypres. 黑格的第一集团军在马恩河战役和第一次伊普斯战役中表现出色,赢得了声誉。
- These forces later grew into an army corps and still more troops came under its influence; only then did the Northern Expedition take place. 往后扩大成为一个军,影响了更多的军队,于是才有北伐之役。
- The Ministry of National Defence has recently embodied the troops in army corps. 最近国防部把军队编成了兵团.
- But city officials and the Army Corps of Engineers say they expect the levees will hold. 但市政官员和军方工程师表示他们认为防洪堤会经受住考验。
- Anzac (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) day is one of the most important days in Australia. 澳纽军团日是澳大利亚和新西兰最重要的节日之一。
- Marine Corps Ordnance Publication 陆战队军械出版物
- Army Corps of Engineers have taken steps to protect the city by diverting water around it. 美国陆军工兵部队已经在采取措施,对新奥尔良周围的河流分流。
- However, the location of those limits remains unsettled. See Ameron, Inc. v. U.S. Army Corps of Eng'rs, 809 F.2d 979 (3d Cir.1986). 可是,那些限度的定位仍未得到解决[参见“艾米伦公司诉美国陆军工兵部队”案,载于《联邦判例汇编》第二辑,第809卷,第979页(第三巡回法院,1986)
- Afghan National Army sol-diers demonstrate skills at a cere-mony to mark the completion of the manning of the Army Corps in Kabul March 18, 2004. 3月18日,在喀布尔举行的阿富汗国防军中央军团正式成立的仪式上,阿富汗国防军士兵进行演练。
- CENTAG is comprised of two Bundeswehr (WG Army) Korp's, two US ARMY Corp's and a Canadian Mech Bde. 中央集团军包含了两个西德陆军军级单位,两个美国陆军军级单位,以及一个加拿大机械化旅。