- Army Combat Engineer Battalion 陆军战斗工兵营
- All Combat Engineer shotgun attacks now play correctly. 现在所有的战斗工程师的散弹枪已经使用正常。
- A clone combat engineer of the 38th Armored Division. 第38装甲师的一名克隆人战斗工兵.
- As a result of the heavy partisan actions against the German lines in 1943, the Slovak 12th Engineer Battalion was sent to the rear area of Army Group South where it took part in vital rail repair operations to fix lines cut by the Soviet partisans. 1943年,由于苏联游击队频繁的袭击德军防线,斯洛伐克第12工兵营被派往集团军群后方,参与了维修被苏联游击队破坏了的重要铁路的行动。
- The class of officers in direct command of warships or of army combat units. 指挥官直接指挥军舰或军事单位的军官
- Army Combat Engineers 陆军战斗工兵
- The legion consisted of clone combat engineers. 这支部队由克隆战斗工兵组成。
- Navy Corpsmen now available to Privates. Combat Engineer rank requirement upgraded to Private First Class. 现在列兵也可以选取海军医务兵。战地工程师的军衔要求更改为一等兵以上。
- According to Cree, the all-SiC power switch module can be an enabling technology for next-generation military aircraft and future Army combat systems. 公司还表示,所有的碳化硅功率开关模块将可成为下一代军用飞机和未来陆军作战系统的使能技术。
- ALICE now notifies the squad with the Combat Engineer learns MK-2 Nano Processor. ALICE系统现在当战地工程师学习了MK-2纳米能量处理器时将提示连队。
- The kits that do not have body armor are the Special Forces, Combat Engineer, Corpsman (medic), and Sniper. 没有防弹衣的兵种是特种部队,工兵,医疗兵和狙击手。
- Combat Engineers must reach the town and set up the EM Sphere. 工程师们必须到达小镇建设EM电磁波武器设备。
- We in the Army combat service support "futures" arena are encouraged by the developments so far and hope that the LAMV will be ready for Army fielding around 2010. 我们这些在陆军战斗勤务支援"未来"领域工作的人,受到了迄今为止研制动态的鼓舞,期望LAMV在2010年左右就能用于陆军兵力的战场部署。
- We in the Army combat service support "futures" arena are encouraged by the developments so farhope that the LAMV will be ready for Army fielding around 2010. 这些在陆军战斗勤务支援“未来”领域工作的人,受到了迄今为止研制动态的鼓舞,期望LAMV在2010年左右就能用于陆军兵力的战场部署。
- The Battle Bunker is the secondary ability of the Combat Engineer, it gives your infantry an extra protection and buffs their range by 100%. 战斗碉堡是战斗工程师的第二能力,它可以为你的步兵提供一个额外的保护,使他们的射程增加100%25。
- DIGGING: US Marine Combat Engineer Bryan Huffman used a metal detector to search for explosives during an operation in the Garmsir district in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday. 挖:美海军战斗工程师布赖恩霍夫曼在使用中的一个在阿富汗南部地区的行动中Garmsir金属探测器搜寻爆炸物周三。
- United States Army Combat Developments Command Engineer Agency 美国陆军作战发展司令部工兵局
- When it comes to explosive ordnance disposal specialists, truck drivers, and combat engineers, the story is much the same. 当他们成为爆破军火处理专家,卡车司机,以及战斗工兵时,情形基本上是一样的。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- Deputy Commander, 937th Engineer Group (Combat) and Commander, 1st Engineer Battalion (Diehard), 1st Infantry Division; 937工兵大队副指挥官兼第1步兵师第1工兵营指挥官;