- Armed Services Petroleum Board 武装部队石油局
- Armed Service Petroleum Board 武装部队油料局
- Armed Services Petroleum Purchasing Agency 武装部队石油采购局
- Armed Services Petroleum Agency 武装部队石油局
- The army, navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed services. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。
- Brazil has more Avonladies than members of its armed services. 巴西的慰安妇比军人数目还多。
- The army, navy and air forces are coordinate armed services. 陆军、海军和空军是并行的军种。
- The headquarters for the U.S. armed services is the Pentagon. 美国海陆空三军的总部是五角大楼。
- We support the armed services in the name of national security. 坚决维护国家的安全。
- Smoke bombs and candles may be obtained from the Armed Services to control. 烟幕弹和烟火可以从军队后勤部门得到。
- It is in honor of the nation's armed services personnel killed in wartime. 这一天是纪念在战争中牺牲的战士。
- A member of the armed services who is reported killed during a combat mission. 阵亡:据报道在执行战斗任务时死去的武装部队成员。
- Any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command. 一个在陆海空三军中居于权威或统率地位的人。
- He was never in the armed services, newt really held a job in the private sector. 他从未服过兵役,从未真正在私营部门任过职。
- Mr. Tenet returns to Capitol Hill Thursday, when he is to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee. 特纳将于星期四回到国会山庄,之后向参议院武器委员会做出报告。
- She has spent years boning up on foreign and defence policy, most recently as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. 她新近作为参议院军事委员会成员,花费了很多年头钻研外交和国防政策。
- Since the development of all our armed services is tied to national development, they should devise ways to assist and actively participate in it. 军队各个方面都和国家建设有关系,都要考虑如何支援和积极参加国家建设。
- The army,navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed service. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。
- But senior Democrat Carl Levin wants the Armed Services Committee of which he is a member to also investigate . 但是,民主党长老卡尔希望三军委员会(清楚),他也是调查人员之一。
- The army, navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed service. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。