- Arabic internet language 阿拉伯网络用语
- To a certain extent, internet language in Arabic and Islamic contexts subverts the existing Arabic language system, and manifests dinstinctive ethnic and religious features. 阿拉伯-伊斯兰语境下的网络用语,在一定意义上颠覆了阿拉伯人现有的文字体系,并呈现出鲜明的民族宗教特色。
- Will Chinese have become the predominant Internet language by 2025? 到2025年,汉语会成为占主导地位的网络语言吗?
- Many characteristics of internet language implicate post-modern values and cultural connotations. 摘要网络语言的许多特点暗合了后现代的价值观念和文化内涵。
- The extensive experience in linguistics accumulated by our Institute of Literature is used to analyze internet language stylistics. 本文将利用语言学所累积的丰富经验,来分析网路语言之语言风格。
- Despite those mixed feelings, the conciseness and liveliness of Internet language continues to attract Internet surfers for making efficient communication. 尽管有各种各样的言论存在,网络语言继续以它的简明与活泼吸引冲浪者进行有效的交流。
- This thesis will discuss the usage of internet language systematically and thoroughly from the viewpoint of sociolinguistics based on research made before. 本文将在上述研究的基础上,从社会语言学角度,较为系统全面的探讨网络语言的应用及其规范问题。
- Today, English becomes more and more popular, while Chinese is gradually corroded out, and it's very likely to be subverted under the import of the internet language and the western discourse. 在英语越来越热的今天,汉语逐渐成了“被排挤的小媳妇”,极有可能在网络语言的冲击和西方话语的浸淫中被颠覆。
- Finally, as Chinese is likely to supercede English as the number one Internet language within a decade, at least in terms of the number of users, it should propel China's cultural reach exponentially. 最后,以使用者的人数来看,华文看来将在10年内取代英文,成为互联网上的最主要用语,这将大大增加中国文化的影响力。
- He demonstrated a mastery of Arabic. 他显示了对阿拉伯语的精通。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- He speaks Arabic and English with equal ease. 他说阿拉伯语和英语都一样自如。
- the variety of internet language 网络语言变体
- The modern dialect of Arabic spoken in Iraq. 伊拉克所用的阿拉伯语现代方言
- the function of internet language 网络用语的功能
- polarization of internet language 网络语言分化
- Many Asians work in the Arab oil states. 许多亚洲人在阿拉伯产油国工作。
- the peculiarity of internet language 网络用语的特性
- One of the ten Arabic number symbols, 0 through9. 数字十个阿拉伯数字符号从0到9中的任意一个
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。