- HuangHe River is the cradle of chinese culture. 黄河是中国文明的摇篮。
- Huanghe River is the headstream of Chinese culture. 黄河是中国文明的摇篮。
- Confucianism is the backbone of Chinese culture. 儒家思想是中国传统文化的主干。
- Aphasia of Chinese Culture 中国文化失语症
- the aphasia of Chinese culture 中国文化失语症
- Beijing opera is the quintessence of Chinese culture. 京剧是中华民族的国粹。
- This,I think,can be regarded as the attitude of Chinese Culture. 我想,这可以算作《中国文化》出版社的态度。
- The four treasures of the study, the gem of Chinese culture. 文房四宝,中华文化之瑰宝。
- Chinese painting are three quintessence forms of Chinese culture. 京剧、中医和国画是中国的三大国粹。
- A Dream of Red Mansions is the gem of Chinese culture. 曹雪芹的《红楼梦》是中华文化的瑰宝。
- Title: Method of Trisection: Interpretation of Chinese Culture? 关键词:二分法;三分法;对立面;关联;包;超;导
- Mr. Ji Xianlin is a famous master of Chinese culture. 季羡林先生是有名的国学大师。
- The disappearance or aphasia of a period Chinese poets results of Chinese spirit structure, also, from which we can see the impact of politics on poet's spiritual sur... 中国一代诗人的失踪或失语,既是中国精神结构的结果,也可看到政治权力对诗人精神处境的巨大作用。
- And the future of Chinese culture does not depend on it. 华夏文化的未来并不仰其鼻息。
- He had a strong influence on the development of Chinese culture. 他对中国文化的发展有着很深的影响。
- Tea drinking is a constituent part of Chinese culture. 喝茶是中国文化的一个组成部分。
- The whole world rings with the praises of Chinese culture. 全世界都颂扬中国文化。
- The harmonious thought is the basic spirit of Chinese culture. 和谐思想是中华文化的基本精神。
- You can be an appreciator or an explorer of Chinese culture. 您可以是一名欣赏者、也可以是一名探寻者;
- Neo-Daoism is the third reconstruction of Chinese culture. 内容提要:新道学文化是中国文化的第三次重构。