- Apart by hills and streams 山川修阻
- Finn claims they still miss the hills and streams of Tennessee. But Las Vegas is where the action is and his wife accepted his way of life. 芬恩声称他们仍然怀念田纳西州的山山水水,拉斯维加斯却是热闹的娱乐中心。他的妻子也这样认为。
- Unaccustomed to city life,Susan pined for her native hills and streams. 苏珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。
- Unaccustomed to city life, Susan languished over her native hills and streams. 苏珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。
- We want a cozy, secluded 20-acre farm surrounded by hills, trees, and streams, within walking distance of shops, restaurants, schools, theaters, and hot night spots. 我们希望有一个舒适,20英亩僻静的农场,它四周的山丘,树木,溪流,有步行距离内的商店,餐馆,学校,影剧院,以及热夜景点。
- The hotel locals in a picturesque setting surrounded by hills and lakes. 着旅馆位于山水如画的环境中。
- Unaccustomed to city life,Susan languished over her native hills and streams. 苏珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。
- The garden area is circled by hills and brooks with mild climate and convenient transportation. 该园区所在地山水环绕,气候适宜,交通便捷,区位条件十分优越。
- Men,men,men,everywhere,and no mention of flowers and birds and hills and streams. 人,人,到底是人,而完全没有提到花鸟和山川!
- Her second novel was taken apart by the critics. 她的第二部小说受到评论家的严厉批评。
- Do you know all the hills and streams in the world? Let me finish my story before you pull it to pieces. "天下山水多着呢;你那里知道这些不成.;等我说完了;你再批评
- Angela was torn apart by that film. 安吉拉被那个电影弄得心都碎了。
- Men, men, men, everywhere, and no mention of flowers and birds and hills and streams! 人,人,到底是人,而完全没有提到花鸟和山川!
- The rags are pulled apart by machines. 机器将破布撕成碎片。
- In layout, the buildings nestled among hills and streams are harmonious with nature. 从布局上看,这些依偎在高山流水中的楼宇与自然环境非常和谐。
- Finn claims they still miss the hills and streams of Tennessee.But Las Vegas is where the action is and his wife accepted his way of life. 芬恩声称他们仍然怀念田纳西州的山山水水,拉斯维加斯却是热闹的娱乐中心。他的妻子也这样认为。
- The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities. 这个国家因为部落之间激烈仇恨而弄得四分五裂。
- Hill and woods diversify the landscape. 山陵和树林点缀景色。
- The two-days weekend tour of this travel service is sure to incline you to linger on among the hills and streams with no thought of leaving, and make you feel completely relaxed and happy. 本旅行社组织双休日旅游,完全令您在山水之间流连忘返,心旷神怡。
- The stream switchback through hills and trees. 小河在山峦和树木间蜿蜒流去