- Antitank Grenade Launcher 反坦克火箭筒
- Active Ability borders added to M320 Grenade Launcher and Reload Icons. 向M320榴弹发射器和重装弹图标中加入了表示已激活状态的边框。
- When fighting in tight hallways I switch to the grenade launcher to defend myself. 当在狭窄的通道迎战,我会换到榴弹发射器来保卫自己。
- Grunt has a Grenade launcher ability that grows in area of effect the higher you level it, same as the demolitions RPG. 爆破手的集束雷技能会在一个很大的范围内散步地雷;火箭技能攻击一个指定范围;可以埋设地雷,连锁炸弹。
- Development of the grenade launcher is proceeding as the XM25, while the rifle element was redesignated XM8. 榴弹发射器继续研发的项目编号是XM25,步枪部分继续研发的项目编号改为XM8。
- We didn’t have enough cannons, not even enough antitank grenade, which could blast to sweep a comparatively large area and had greater power than the hand grenade in blasting away blockhouses. 我们没有足够的大炮,甚至没有足够的反坦克手雷,因为这个东西“一炸一片”,炸碉堡也比手榴弹威力大多了。
- The XM29 was intended to be a shoulder-fired, semi-automatic grenade launcher in20 mm calibre and to incorporate a compact, lightweight5.56 mm rifle as a back-up weapon. 这包括一个与视线关联确保用户将武器正确瞄准目标并跟弹道计算机配对的激光测距仪。
- It is clearly a much lower-risk project than the grenade launcher and is already close to maturity; plans to carry out large-scale troop trials have been drawn up. 事实表明与榴弹发射器相比它是一个低风险的项目并已接近成熟;进行大规模部队试用的计划已经制定。
- But our hero Huang Jiguang had only one antitank grenade in hand.China was then unable to produce antitank grenades, nor did we have enough money to import them. 可是黄继光手里仍然只有一颗手雷,因为这个东西我们造不出来,我们也没有那么多钱去进口。
- The Tawhid and Jihad group sent Al-Jazeera a video showing the two unidentified Bulgarians sitting with their hands cuffed, flanked by three masked men, two carrying rifles and one carrying a rocket propelled grenade launcher. 该录像带显示,两名保加利亚人质双手被绑,坐在三蒙面绑架者前,其中两名绑架者手持步枪,另一人手持火箭发射器。
- The militant group Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, and released a video showing the purported bomber with an assault rifle and a grenade launcher in front of the group's black flag. 激进组织“伊斯兰圣战者”宣称对袭击负责,并播出一段录像。录像显示被称为爆炸手的人手拿步枪和火箭筒,站在该组织的黑色旗帜前。
- When it finally stopped, the Vella Gulf and another U.S. ship moved in and sent a boarding party to the pirates' boat, where they found weapons including a rocket-propelled grenade launcher. 小船最终停了下来,维拉湾号舰艇和其他美国军舰来到了现场,派人登上海盗船,在船上发现了武器,包括火箭推进手榴弹发射器。
- The spotter will be equipped with a rifle (often with a grenade launcher attached, and potentially an optic), binoculars, smoke grenades, and a sidearm. 观测员装备有突击步枪(一般有加装榴弹发射器,还可能有光学瞄准具),望远镜,烟雾弹和火箭筒。
- We did not have enough cannons or even antitank grenades, which were capable of “extensive destruction” and much more powerful than hand grenades when used to blow blockhouses. 我们没有足够的大炮,甚至没有足够的反坦克手雷,因为这个东西“一炸一片”,炸碉堡也比手榴弹威力大多了。
- Grenade Launcher Attachment Development 枪榴弹炮发射筒附件研制
- Grenade Launcher Attachment Device 枪榴弹发射筒附件
- High-Velocity Grenade Launcher System 高速榴弹发射系统
- Individual Grenade Launcher System 单兵枪榴弹发射系统
- Americans could use B-29 to attack a bike, but our antitank grenades had to be set aside for the enemy’s tanks and it was even quite extravagant to demolish the enemy’s blockhouses with it. 美国人可以动用B-29 去轰炸一辆自行车,而我们手里的反坦克手雷只能留给敌人的坦克,用来炸碉堡就算是很奢侈了。