- Antisense Waxy gene 反义蜡质基因
- The waxy gene is the key gene of the amylase synthesis. 蜡质基因是编码直链淀粉合成的关键基因。
- Waxy gene can affect the starch composition and physical characters of corn kernels as well as seedling vigour. 摘要玉米蜡质基因之作用虽系改变胚乳内淀粉之组成,但亦会影响到子实之物理特性及幼苗之生长。
- The same six DH lines were null waxy gene lines proved by SDS-PAGE. Both methods showed to be reliable and accurate in wheat detection. 这 2种方法同时证明该 6个DH系为纯合糯性株系 ,说明SDS -PAGE电泳和I2 -KI染色方法鉴定糯性小麦是可靠的和准确的。
- Identification of Transcription Start Site of Waxy Gene in O. sativa subsp.indica 232 籼稻232蜡质基因转录起始位点的鉴定
- Rice bZIP protein, REB, interacts with GCN4 motif in promoter of Waxy gene, Sciece in China(Series C) 2002,45(4):352-360, CHENG Shijin, WANG Zongyang,HONG Mengmin 用于筛选直链淀粉含量为中等的籼稻品种的分子标记,植物生理与分子生物学学报2002,28(2):137-144,蔡秀玲,刘巧泉,汤述翥,顾铭洪,王宗阳
- A waxy cloud or haze appears in the liquid. 在液体中出现蜡点或混浊。
- The waxy fruit of the wax myrtle or the snowberry. 杨梅,雪果杨梅或雪果的柔软果实
- Waxy rice starchgels are clear and cohesive. 含蜡大米淀粉凝胶是透明的并有粘性。
- The waxy layer on the surface of a stem. 茎表面的蜡质层。
- Meanwhile, the application of antisense gene technology is prospected. 并对反义基因技术的应用进行了展望。
- Waxy rice starch gels are clear and cohesive. 含蜡大米淀粉凝胶是透明的并有粘性。
- Stem fleshy, gray to white, waxy. 茎干丰满,黑色或白色,蜡白色。
- The position that a given gene occupies on a chromosome. 基因座在一条染色体上某种给定基因所占的位置
- A thin face with a waxy paleness. 蜡一样苍白的瘦脸。
- And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry. 这些蜡状耳油可以保持耳朵不会太干燥。
- Half of the people who inherit the gene express it. 半数有这种遗传基因的人,皆显示出其影响
- And waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry. 蜡状的油脂可以防止耳朵变干。
- The Advance of the Waxy Gene 蜡质基因研究进展
- Now the variant of each gene is called an allele. 每一种基因的变化就叫做等位基因。