- Anti Trojan Elite is a trojan/keylogger remover. 1反木马精英是一种木马程式/键盘记录程序去除。
- Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory. 反黑精英是一个享誉欧洲的专业木马移除软体,他可以侦测和消除在硬碟或记忆体的木马。
- Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time. 这是一个享誉欧洲的专业木马侦测、拦截及移除软体。
- Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user, once a trojan or keylogger would been loaded, 以避免你的银行帐户及网路密码被木马程序拦截,进而暴露自己所有隐私及机密。
- They're completely anti the new proposals. 他们完全反对新的提议。
- Anti trojan 抗木马
- Reboot your machine and delete the trojan horse. 重新启动你的电脑,删除木马文件。
- And this brought on the long Trojan War. 这就导致了旷日持久的特洛伊战争。
- They have always been anti colonialism. 他们一直是反对殖民主义的。
- Is it a virus, a worm, a Trojan, or a backdoor? 判断任何任意的程序是一个病毒、蠕虫、木马,还是后门?
- I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse. 我不知道他是否是个内奸。
- He had rid Trojan, and the loopholes patched up. 他已经把木马清除掉,把漏洞补好了。
- Shall I put some anti freeze in the radiator? 要不要在散热器里注入一些防冻剂?
- Covert channels and Trojan code. 隐藏的通道和特洛伊编码。
- To the Hong Kong Anti Cancer Society. 与香港防癌会。
- Identify the trojan horse file on your hard disk. 确定你磁盘中的木马文件。
- NTOS ANTI MASS WEAPONS DEFENCE SYSTEM. 反大规模杀伤性武器防御系统。需要升级探测器技术。
- Is it a virus, a worm, a trojan? “它是病毒,蠕虫还是特洛伊木马?”
- Anti shock polystyrene composite board No. 抗冲击聚苯乙烯镜面复合装饰板项目。
- Was to get greatly the attack of FSO trojan. 很大程度上是受到了FSO木马的攻击。