- Offensive Operation in Anti - Japanese Base Area inCentral China, 1944 华中抗日根据地1944年攻势作战
- Offensive Operation in Anti - Japanese Base Area inCentral China, 1945 华中抗日根据地1945年攻势作战
- On the contributions of enlightened gentry to the education of the Anti - Japanese Base Area 简论抗日根据地开明士绅的教育贡献
- Shandong Anti- Japanese Base Area 山东抗日根据地
- Anti - Japanese Base Area 抗日根据地
- Reduction of rent for land and of interest on loans and the peasants social mobility in Huaibei Anti- Japanese Base Area 减租减息与淮北抗日根据地农民的社会流动
- The Sino-Japanese War time, after the Communist Party of China leads the enemy the War of Resistance against Japan base area in resisted in the Japanese invader"s struggle to play the pivotal role. 抗日战争时期,中国共产党领导的敌后抗日根据地在抗击日本侵略者的斗争中起到了举足轻重的作用。
- Anti- Japanese Base Area 抗日根据地
- the Middle China Anti - Japan Base Area 华中抗日根据地
- The enemy was afraid to advance into our base area. 敌人不敢进入我们根据地。
- Shandong Anti - Japanese Democratic Base Area 山东抗日民主根据地
- longdong anti--japanese democratic base area 陇东抗日民主根据地
- The establishment of Yuxi base area Resistance Against Japan won distinctions in the War of Resistance Against Japan. 豫西抗日根据地的建立为抗日战争的胜利立下了汗马功劳。
- The capital of Vanuatu, on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was a Japanese base during World War II. Population,13, 067. 维拉瓦努阿图首都,在西南太平洋埃法特岛上。在第二次世界大战中是日本的军事基地。人口13,067
- The third indispensable condition for establishing a base area is the use of all our strength,including our armed forces,to arouse the masses for struggle against Japan. 和建立根据地不可分离的第三个条件,就是用一切力量,包括武装部队的力量在内,去发动民众的抗日斗争。
- Villa,the capital of Vanuatu,on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was a Japanese base during World War II. Population,13,067. 维拉,瓦努阿图首都,在西南太平洋埃法特岛上。在第二次世界大战中是日本的军事基地。人口13,067。
- The third indispensable condition for establishing a base area is the use of all our strength, including our armed forces, to arouse the masses for struggle against Japan. 和建立根据地不可分离的第三个条件,就是用一切力量,包括武装部队的力量在内,去发动民众的抗日斗争。
- He plunged into the resistance against Japanese aggressors in his hometown in 1938 and worked long in the base area of Shanxi, Chaha'er and Hebei. 1938年春在家乡投身于抗战洪流,长期在晋察冀根据地工作。
- The capital of Vanuatu, on Efate Island in the southwest Pacific Ocean. It was a Japanese base during World War II. Population, 3,0'7. 维拉:瓦努阿图首都,在西南太平洋埃法特岛上。在第二次世界大战中是日本的军事基地。人口3,0'7
- What, then, are these base areas? 游击战争的根据地是什么呢?