- During the anti Japanese war, however, it is occupied by the Japanese invaders for eight years. 日本侵占井陉煤矿后,掠夺煤炭资源,奴役煤矿工人。
- In the period of anti Japanese war, he was once a teacher in middle schools in Shanghai, and also engaged in news papering. 抗日战争时期,他曾在上海孤岛担任过中学教员,并从事过抗日的新闻工作。
- Chinese anti Japanese war unveiled the prologue to the world anti-fascist war and opened the first lame-scale world anti-fascist battlefield. 中国战场是抗击日本法西斯的主战场,也是第二次世界大战在亚洲的主战场;
- The Basis of Maturity of Mao Zedong Thought During the Anti Japanese War 抗日战争时期毛泽东思想成熟原因探析
- "The Old Well"describes the painful struggles of Shanxi villagers trying to dig a well and Red Sorghum", against the background of the anti Japanese War, depicts the love." 描述的是陕西村民为打井而造成的痛苦经历,而则以抗日战争为背景,刻画了男女主人公之间的爱情。
- The use to the Qing government war victory, Japan further invades North Korea, wrests away Taiwan, has developed in East Asia's. 利用对清政府战争的胜利,日本进一步侵略朝鲜、霸占台湾,拓展了在东亚的市场。
- The Japanese war lords had looked for a certainty. 日本军阀要想寻求万全之策。
- Abstract: The anti - Japanese war culture is precious tourism resources, which has been competitively developed in all over the country. 文章摘要: 抗战文化是珍贵的旅游资源,全国各地竞相开发。
- The trial on the Japanese war criminals given by the Fast East International Military Court was the victory of justice, peace and cultivation over invasion, savage, and Fascist. 摘要远东国际军事法庭对日本战犯的审判,是正义、和平、文明战胜侵略、野蛮、法西斯的重大胜利,是人类文明史上的重大胜利。
- Towards Japan, China used a sense of victimhood to play upon Japanese war guilt in order to extract more aid from its rich neighbour. 面对日本时,中国政府利用他在日本侵华战争中所受伤害的从它的邻国获得了很多的援助。
- Under Japan's manipulation, CRBC was no longer the bank only confined to puppet regime and raised funds for Japanese war of aggression. 在日伪的操纵下,中储行已经是远远超出金融经济领域的银行,而完全成为替汪伪政府支撑财政、为日本侵略战争筹措战费的经济工具。
- Towards Japan, China used a sense of victimhood to play upon Japanese war guilt in order to extract more aid from its rich neighbor. 对待日本,中国则以受害者的姿态利用了日本对战争的内疚心理,由此来从这个富裕的邻国那里榨取更多的援助。
- The Chinese people had mercy on the Japanese war prisoners. 中国人民宽恕了那些日军战俘。
- It is the strategy for ancient strategist to make war victory and regulate the family and rule the state. 本文以辩证的观点,挖掘了古代兵家和平思想的主要内容。
- Japan ignited a fresh row with China on Tuesday by authorizing for school use a nationalist-written history textbook that Beijing says glosses over Japanese war time atrocities. 日本在周二批准了由民族主义分子编写的历史教科书,该书被北京指责为掩盖了日本的战争罪行。这一事件成为新的导火索。
- The shrine honors Japanese war dead, including convicted war criminals. 靖国神社供奉着日本的战争亡灵,其中也包括被定罪的战犯。
- And what about Nuremberg and the trial of the Japanese war criminals? 那纽伦堡审判和审判日本战犯呢?
- That Arc de Triomphe is a Lutetian famous building , is located in the Dai Gao Er public square, faces Champs Elysees , is that Courvoisier VSOP , France build to commemorate oersted Lici war victory. 凯旋门是巴黎的著名建筑物,位于戴高尔广场,面对香榭丽舍大街,是拿破仑为纪念奥斯特里茨战争的胜利而建立的。
- It is anti Japanese and anti-imperialist; 它是抗日的,反对帝国主义的;
- But anti-Japanese sentiment has run high over the last year after Japan's prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, visited the Yasukuni Shrine, where some Japanese war criminals are commemorated. 自从去年日本首相小泉参拜靖国神社以来,中国民间的反日情绪就不断高涨。