- Another suspect is in custody. 另一个嫌疑犯已经被拘留。
- Wichita city official says a suspect is in custody in the shooting death of late-term abortion provider George Tiller. 美国威客托市的一名警察表示,枪杀提供怀孕晚期流产手术的医生乔治的嫌疑犯已被拘留。
- A suspect is in custody in Iraq in connection with the assassination attempt on that country's Shiite vice president. 一名与企图暗杀伊拉克什叶派副总理有关的嫌疑人被伊拉克警方羁押。
- He is in custody awaiting trial. 他已被拘留候审。
- It seems that the original suspect is in the clear. 好像原先的嫌疑犯已被认定无罪。
- the suspect is in custody. 嫌疑犯正处在警方的监管之下。
- The main suspect is being held in Lebanon. Two other suspects are also in custody. 主要犯罪嫌疑人被关押在黎巴嫩。另外两名犯罪嫌疑人也被拘留。
- Another group of 11 is still in custody but not charged yet. 另一组的11个人人在扣押之中,但是还未被指控。
- The suspect was kept in custody for a week. 嫌犯被拘禁一星期。
- So far police do not have a suspect in custody. 到目前为止,警察没有拘留任何嫌疑犯。
- She was held in custody pending trial. 她被拘留候审。
- The suspect is a person of no fixed abode. 嫌疑犯是个居无定所的人。
- Police have a suspect in custody. 目前警方已拘留一嫌疑犯。
- The suspect was remanded in custody because someone who claimed to be a witness offered some new evidence. 因为有一自称目击者的人提供新的证据,所以嫌疑犯被送返监狱候审。
- The girl is in the custody of her aunt after her parents' death. 自从她的父母去世后,那个女孩受她的姨母保护。
- The accused was remanded in custody for a week. 被告还押候审一星期。
- Authorities are still looking for another suspect. 官方仍旧在寻找另一名嫌疑犯。
- The magistrate remanded him in custody for two weeks. 法官命令把他拘留两星期。
- She is in the primrose of her life. 她正处在她一生的最盛期。
- A man is in custody on suspicion of trying to arrange an air crash police said. 警方说,一名男子被羁押,他涉嫌安排一起飞机坠毁事件。