- Annual Customer Order 年度用户订货单
- GD Quotation & Customer Order Sample Items here. 嘉栋报价和客户定单项目样式如下.
- Use Oracle OPM to manage customer order affair. 使用Oracle OPM系统管理客户订单。
- BHP Billiton Iron Ore 23% of the total has reached a new annual customer price. 必和必拓铁矿石总量的23%25已与客户达成新的年度价。
- What to do when I receive a customer order after auction closed? 收到顾客订单后,需要做什么?
- Implement customer order review and revise MPS and delivery plan. 执行客户订单评审,编制主生产计划和成品发运计划。
- A customer order that designates the time during which it can be executed. 客户的定单中指定时间,在这段时间中定单可以被执行。
- Can we fulfil this customer order by new production orders? 是否可以归为新的生产订单?
- That one is a custom ordered ornament. 猫福:不,那个是人家订做的装饰品。
- One of your jobs will be to make up the customers' orders. 你的工作之一就是配齐顾客的订货。
- Of course we welcome customized order from you at any time! 随时欢迎各届朋友来电来函按样询价订购!
- All our customer orders in this shop are handled by computer. 在我们店里,所有顾客的订单都是由电脑操作的。
- Welcome to the wholesale customer orders or production. 欢迎广大客户批发或者下单生产。
- Why not take advantage of our free customer ordering service? 为什么不利用我们免费的用户定单服务呢?
- Your job is to make up the customers orders. 你的工作是按订户的订单配备货物。
- The following application is a customer order form for a company that sells teddy bears. 下面的应用程序是一家销售玩具熊的公司的客户订单窗体。
- Customer order management. To input the orders correctly in the ERP system. 8客户订单管理。在ERP系统中正确登录订单。
- Track and trace customers orders and shipments. 追踪快递货品之运送状况。
- Which customers ordered more jewellery? 哪批顾客定购珠宝更多呢?
- Assemble to order-where the final product is assembled based on the receipt of a customer order (instead of stock). 一种生产方式,根据收到的客户订单装配(而不是预先储存)最终产品。