- Annex A The Exchange Fund 附件甲外汇基金
- The HKMA manages the Exchange Fund. 金管局负责管理外汇基金。
- Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency issuance. 另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是纸币与硬币的发行。
- The cost of purchase would be charged to the Exchange Fund. 购置办事处的费用将由外汇基金支付。
- The accumulated surplus of the Exchange Fund amounted to $266.5 billion. 外汇基金累计盈余达2,665亿元。
- The foreign currency assets are held in the Exchange Fund and the Land Fund. 外币资产存放在外汇基金及土地基金。
- When will the results of the Exchange Fund Notes tenders be available? 外汇基金债券投标结果会于何时公布?
- A soldier was wounded in the exchange. 一名士兵在交火中受伤。
- Hand me of a the ripest tangerine please. 请递给我一个最熟的橘子。
- Another function related to the Exchange Fund is currency notes and coins issuance. 另一项与外汇基金有关的功能是发行纸币和硬币。
- He is a the most brisk young man in this group. 他是这个小组中最活跃的年轻人。
- On December 31, 1978, the Coinage Security Fund was merged with the Exchange Fund. 一九七八年十二月三十一日,硬币发行基金与外汇基金合并。
- He is of a the most outstanding student. 他是一名最优秀的学生。
- The Exchange Fund was established by the Currency Ordinance of 1935 (later renamed the Exchange Fund Ordinance). 外汇基金根据一九三五年《货币条例》(已易名为《外汇基金条例》)设立。
- She is a the youngest student inside our class. 她是我们班里最年轻的学生。
- EFIL also manages the portfolio of Hong Kong equities transferred from the Land Fund to the Exchange Fund in November 1998. 投资公司也负责管理一九九八年十一月由土地基金拨入外汇基金的香港股票组合。
- The launch of the Exchange Fund Bills and Notes Programme in 1990 marked an important milestone in the development of the Hong Kong debt market. 一九九零年推出的外汇基金票据及债券计划,是香港债务市场发展的重要里程碑。
- On December 31,1978,the Coinage Security Fund was merged with the Exchange Fund. 1978年12月31日,硬币发行基金与外汇基金合并。
- Since then,all licensed banks have had to maintain direct clearing accounts with the Exchange Fund. 由那时起,所有持牌银行必须直接在外汇基金开设结算帐户。
- The issuance and redemption of CIs are made against US dollars at the convertibility rate of $7.80 to US$1 for the account of the Exchange Fund. 负债证明书的发行和赎回均须以1美元兑7.;80港元的兑换汇率在外汇基金帐目内以美元结算。同样,发行和回收流通硬币也是按1美元兑7