- Proc. 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress (3):74 (Abstr). 中畜会志19(增刊):41(摘要)。
- Journal of Animal Science 70 (Suppl. 1):232 (Abstr.). 中畜会志21(增刊):67(摘要)。
- Proc. 5th AAAP Animal Science Congress (3):98 (Abstr.). 中畜会志20(增刊):33(摘要)。
- National Institute of Animal Science, RDA, Suwon, Korea Republic. 淮北职业技术学院,计算机科学系,安徽,淮北,235000
- Animal Science Department OK State Poultry Breeds, and Extension Publications. 奥克拉荷马州州立大学畜产系。家禽品种,及附属出版品。
- Proceeding of the 9th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Sydney, Australia.Vol. 经由运输与拍卖猪只之事故发生比较动物福利。
- Karen Plaut heads the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University. 听力特快网站始建于2001年,是一个免费公益型英语听力资源学习网站。
- Animal Science Department OregonState University. Turkey Parthenogenesis Project featured. 描述火鳼孤雌生殖研究计划。
- "What's in the egg to have that power?" asked Jose Cibelli, MSU professor of physiology and animal science. 美国密歇根州立大学生理学教授、该研究项目负责人约瑟-斯贝利说,“人体的卵细胞为什么具备这种神奇的能力?
- Animal Science Department University of Kentucky. Poultry Program Overview and Course Descriptions. 肯塔基大学畜产系,家禽计划总览与课程概述。
- Karen Plaut , heads the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University. 凯伦.;普拉特是密歇根州立大学动物科学系主任。
- Bachelor's degree in Animal Science, Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine or related field. Masters degree preferred. 动物科学,营养学,兽医学或相关专业;要求学士学位以上学历,硕士学位优先。
- Karen Plauthas Plaut heads the animal signs Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University. 卡尔,帕特已经在密西根州立大学建立了动物科学部门。
- Small Farmers Project sponsored two postgraduates from the Institute of Animal Science at China Academy of Agriculture Science CAAS to above events. 小农户项目资助两名来自中国农科院动物科学所的研究生参加了以上活动。
- Touchette K J,Allee G L,Newcomb M D,et al.The lysine requirement of lactating primiparous sows[J].Journal of Animal Science,1998,76:1091. 张金枝;卢伟;徐来仁.;饲粮蛋白质(赖氨酸)水平对高产母猪泌乳行为、泌乳量和乳成分的影响研究[J]
- Temple Grandin is a professor of animal science at Colorado State University.She also writes about her experience of being autistic. 科罗拉多州立大学动物科学教授天宝.;葛兰汀就写到了自己的自闭经历。
- Brandebourg,T.D.& C.Y.Hu,2005,Regulation of differentiating pig preadipocytes by retinoic acid.Journal of animal science,83:(1)98-108. 李影、杨公社、卢荣华;2005;原代猪前体脂肪细胞培养方法的优化.;细胞生物学杂志;27:697-700
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Xiangzhong (Jerry) Yang, animal science professor and director of the University of Connecticut’s Center for Regenerative Biology (CRB). 这些细胞能够无限复制,并且可以转变为几乎所有牛组织和器官的细胞。