- A sight setting that enables a firearm to shoot on target. 瞄准仪一种能使火器射中靶子的、用来调整准度的仪器
- Abrupt silence. LOW ANGLE on steel door. 突然寂静,低角镜头照在门上。
- Amanda, my first child, was right on target. 我的第一个孩子阿曼达是一个很合适的实验对象。
- ANGLE on Maisie's pie. Several pieces gone. 镜头对着梅齐的馅饼,已经吃掉了几块。
- Insufficient space on target volume. 目标卷上空间不足。
- The bombs went down-wham!-right on target. 炸弹落了下来,砰!正好击中目标。
- By God, we were right on target! 老天爷作证,我们击中了目标!
- He has by far the most shots on target this season. 他也是本赛季射门次数并且打中目标最多的队员。
- Unrecoverable write error on target. 目标盘上不能恢复的写错误。
- Tooling draft angle on outside walls to be degree mauimun. 加工用样模的外墙角度必须为最大。
- The next salvos were right on target. 第二波炮火就准确砸在目标上了。”
- Yuke Bomber Shack on target! We took out the runway. 命中目标!我们摧毁跑道了。
- He loves (to go) angling on a fine summer day. 他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去垂钓。
- The new sports complex is on target to open in June. 新建的体育中心将在六月份如期开放。
- He loves to go angling on a fine summer day. 他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去钓鱼。
- He likes to go angling on weekends. 他喜欢在周末去垂钓。
- Your remark concerning the budget was right on target. 你对预算。
- Let the knuckles continue on target as if hitting four balls. 好像打击四个球,让指节继续对准在目标上。
- Angle on Target 目标角度
- The accountant's estimate for the project was on target. 这名会计对该计划的评估是准确的。