- Angiopteris cartilaginean. 厚边观音座莲
- Angiopteris title in mind that there are Tibetan. 观音莲座上有藏文题记。
- Angiopteris sparsisora Ching, sp. nov.-- a putative bigeneric hybrid. 法斗观音座莲 -- 一个假定的属间杂交种.
- In the mural, he was wearing a crown Qibao, sitting in Gassho Angiopteris, black, the first micro-dumping. 在壁画中,他头戴七宝冠,合掌坐于莲座上,黑衣,头微倾。
- Orostachys cartilaginea A.Bor. 狼爪瓦松
- Cave 16th, and four behind the Yungang cave is the first cut of "Five Tan Yao cave," Cave-shaped oval in the middle Angiopteris remain the main Buddha, the walls are carved with qianfoensis shrines. 第十六窟,与后面四窟是云冈最早开凿的“昙曜五窟”,窟形椭圆,中间主佛立于莲座上,周壁雕有千佛与佛龛。
- Study on the Metabolite of Laurencia cartilaginea 代谢产物的研究
- exostosis cartilaginea multiplex 多发性软骨性外生骨疣
- exostosis multiplex cartilaginea [医] 软骨发育异常
- pars cartilaginea systematis skeletalis 骨骼系统软骨部
- pars cartilaginea tubae auditivae 咽鼓管软骨部
- pars cartilaginea tubae auditvae 咽鼓管 软骨部
- pars cartilaginea tubae pharyngotympa-nieae 咽鼓管软骨部
- pars cartilaginea tubae pharyngotympanicae [医] 咽鼓管软骨部
- A study on the Rhizome Propagation of Angiopteris fokiensis 福建观音座莲的根状茎繁殖研究
- Effect of ABT-6 on Growth and Development of Angiopteris fokiensis Persistent Petiole Cutting 生根粉-6对福建观音莲座扦插宿存叶柄生长发育的影响
- Cutting propagation practices about persistent petioles of Angiopteris fokiensis 福建观音莲座宿存叶柄扦插繁殖技术
- exostosis cartilaginea [医] 软骨性外生骨疣
- calcification cartilaginea [医] 软骨钙化
- large angiopteris rhizome 马蹄根