- Andean Community of Nations 安第斯条约组织
- We look forward to welcoming a liberated Iraq to the international community of nations. 我们期待着欢迎获得解放的伊拉克加入到国际大家庭中来。
- China's leaders have committed not to devalue the RMB and China is acting responsibly as an important member of community of nations of the world. 中国领导人决意保持人民币的币值,而中国克尽本份,肩负起作为世界大国成员之一的责任。
- Its decisions,though not legally binding on Member States,represent the moral authority of the community of nations. 大会的决定虽然对会员国不具有法律效力,但却代表了国际社会的道义权威。
- We look forward to welcoming a liberated Iraq to the international community of nations. 我们期待着欢迎获得解放的伊拉克加入到国际大家庭中来。
- Its decisions, though not legally binding on Member States, represent the moral authority of the community of nations. 大会的决定虽然对会员国不具有法律效力,但却代表了国际社会的道义权威。
- As part of China,we are pleased that China is becoming an increasingly important member of the world community of nations. 作为中国的一部分,我们很高兴看到,中国在国际组织所担当的成员角色日益重要。
- Nor are we in favour of establishing a so-called community of nations,because only the independence of each country is a true expression of Marxism. 我们也不赞成搞什么“大家庭”,独立自主才真正体现了马克思主义。
- Nor are we in favour of establishing a so-called community of nations, because only the independence of each country is a true expression of Marxism. 我们也不赞成搞什么“大家庭”,独立自主才真正体现了马克思主义。
- In a speech to mark the Iranian new year back in March, he praised Iran's “great civilisation”, saying he wants it “to take its rightful place in the community of nations”. 回到三月,适逢伊朗的新年,他在一次讲话中称赞伊朗的文明是“伟大的文明”,他希望伊朗能在国际大家庭中找到属于自己的位置。
- He said the United States wanted Iran to take its "rightful place in the community of nations," but also insisted that Tehran do its part to achieve reconciliation. 他说,美国希望伊朗“在国家的社区中”取得自己“正确的位置”,但同时坚持说,德克兰要做好本分来取得谅解。
- The Habitat and Community Characteristics of Myrica nana Cheval. 矮杨梅生境及群落学特征。
- Sometimes I visited one of my old friends and communed with her for an hour or two. 有时我拜访某个老朋友,与她谈上一两个小时。
- It is since the founding of the People's Republic that our great country,with nearly a quarter of the world's population,has stood up -- and stood firm -- in the community of nations. 只有中华人民共和国的成立,才使我们这个人口占世界总人口近四分之一的大国,在世界上站起来,而且站住了。
- Good command of English and communication skills. 良好的英语沟通能力。
- We had a discussion on language and communication. 我们就语言和交际问题进行了讨论。
- A system or community of religious worship and ritual. 宗教崇拜宗教崇拜和崇拜仪式的体系或团体
- Buying MMS handsets and enjoying new senses in seeing, hearing and communicating of MMS has become a fashion. 购买彩信手机,享受彩信在视觉、听觉和信息沟通上的全新感受,正成为一种新的时尚。
- The paper presents control?synchronization&exclusiveness and communication of multithread. 介绍线程的控制、同步与互斥和通信的技术。
- Community of purpose makes friendship. 目标一致,产生友谊。