- And this half Coral Junior. 这一半叫他们小珊珊。
- All right,we`ll name this half Marlin Junior and then this half Coral Junior. 好吧,我们把这一半叫做小莫林;这一半叫做小卡萝.
- We'll name this half Marlin Junior. 好吧,我们把这一半叫做小莫林。
- Mr Blake: And this is Paul. He's Brazilian. 布莱克先生:这是保罗先生,他是巴西人。
- Again we failed, and this failure lay with me. 我们又失败了,而这一次的失败责任在我。
- This half of the class will be A, and the other half will be B. 全班的这一半人当。
- I did so for many reasons, and this one in chief. 我这样做的理由很多,而这个是主要的。
- She is still living, and this is making man feel relief. 她还活着,这是使人感到宽慰的。
- This half shekel is an offering to the Lord . 这半舍客勒是奉给耶和华的礼物(一舍客勒是二十季拉)。
- She was out all day in the rain and this brought on a bad cold. 她整天在外淋雨,因此患了感冒。
- He was out in the rain all day and this brought on a bad cold. 他在外面淋了一天雨,因此患了重感冒。
- I integrated your suggestions into my plans and this has improved them. 我把你的建议采纳到我的计划中,由此改进了我的计划。
- Would you try this half day trip to the New Territories? 您愿意试试去新区的半日游吗?
- And this is the nearest way to the zoo. 而且这是到动物园最近的一条路。
- Now I resented this half out of the mere pain of it. 现在我有点怨恨,一半是因为痛,另一半原因是因为可能会留下印记。
- This is the cream and this is the sugar. 这是奶油,这是糖。
- And this because you have obeyed me. 这都是因为你听从了我的话。
- And this is in fact an ideal nesting site. 而这处原是燕鸥的理想营巢地点。
- And this somersault in the air is some stunt. 这种空中翻滚可是他的绝技。
- This is Tommy and this is Susie. 审汤米,这是苏茜。