- One last lick and the milk was gone. 剩奶最後一舔而光。
- Nothing was heard but the voice of the master and the scratching of pens on paper. 教室里是那么安静,只听见老师说话的声音和钢笔在纸上沙沙的响声。
- She was singing some devotional songs and the voice was getting richer and mellower. 她正在唱一些祈祷歌,声音越来越宏亮而圆满。
- "The glint in the eye and the lilt in the voice are familiar to us all. “我们都熟悉他那明亮的双眼和欢快的语调。
- And the voice of a nightingale,@ added the fifth. 第五个仙女接着说:“她还会有夜莺般嗓音。”
- "And the voice of a nightingale," added the fifth. 第五个仙女接着说:“她还会有夜莺般嗓音。”
- And the voice of a temptress on the wind. 有个女妖迷人的声音挟在风声里。
- Clare:One second he was there,and the next he was gone. 克莱尔:“那一刻,他就在我面前,突然地消失了。”
- It was a gala night at the opera; all the stars were going to perform, and the audience worn their finest clothes. 当夜剧院里一片喜庆气氛; 明星们个个都将登台表演,观众们人人身穿盛装。
- And the voices of those who stand looking. 还有那些旁观者的声音。
- Then he turned a switch and the voices stopped. 他于是关上电门,说话声音就中断了。
- The voice conveys the common wish and the lofty idea of mankind. 呼声传达了一种普通的愿望和人类的崇高理想.
- The case is being gone into and the main criminal is on the run. 这个案子正在调查之中,主犯仍在逃。
- And the populace cried out, The voice of a god and not of a man! 民众喊著说,这是神的声音,不是人的声音。
- And in my dream I looked out my window and the moon garden was gone! 我在梦中从窗户往外看,发现月亮花园不见了!
- At four bells we hove the log, and the boat was going eleven knots. 四击钟时我们测了一下船速,船正以11节的速度前进。
- The sideboard, the silver and the spindly chairs were gone. 雷内喊道。"到那时候我会成为南部的馅饼王子哩!
- The boat was going to put off and the tide would be spent. 船要开了,潮要退了。
- They fall among the voices and the wine. 他们在歌声和美酒中相爱。
- The hare and the tortoise are going to have a race! 野兔和乌龟要赛跑。