- And such was life in Leningrad 列宁格勒也是这样
- The roads are bad,and such being the case,we must drive slowly. 道路很糟,情况既然如此,我们只好把车开慢点儿。
- The roads are bad, and such being the case, we must drive slowly. 道路很糟,情况既然如此,我们只好把车开慢点儿。
- I've never shied away from saying what I be live in. 我从不回避说出自已的信念。
- Much of the drug use, dress and such was just a part of the protest. 很多使用毒品,衣着怪异等行为其实只是表示抗议的一种方式。
- And such was Natasha with her wonder, her delight, her shyness, and even her mistakes in talking French. 娜塔莎也是如此:她流露着惊奇、欣喜和畏葸的神情,说法国话时甚至有许多错误。
- Life in old age continues to be work and worry. 人到晚年仍然奔波劳累,牵肠挂肚。
- Life in Java was pictured as poor and difficult. 想象中的爪洼生活是很贫穷可怜的。
- And such was the male force drawn to the love and beauty of the Creation of life, that he surrenders unto her keeping the force of his powers in the furtherance of life. 并且让男性力量被爱与美的生命创造所吸引,使他臣服于她,并在生命的推进中保持他的力量。
- I am live in city, the building is a 8 floor rooming house. 我生活在一个城市里,在一个8层高的楼里居住。
- I am live in city,the building is a8 floor rooming house. 我生活在一个城市里,在一个8层高的楼里居住。
- Such was the picture, and he thrilled to the memory of it. 当时正是这样的情景,他回想起来还感到毛骨悚然。
- Henry enjoyed going into woods and living life in the raw. 亨利喜欢到树林里去过最简朴的生活。
- John enjoyed going into woods and living life in the raw. 约翰喜欢到森林中去过最简朴的生活。
- It happens to be life, as in grammar, that the exception outnumbers the rules. 在人生中,好比在文法里,有例外多于规则这么一回事。
- There's precious little left after your ticket and dinners and such are taken off. 扣除月票、饭钱和其它开销就所剩无几了。
- He tends to idealize his life in the army. 他总想使自己在军队里的生活理想化。
- News of the opening flashed across the nation, and such was the scramble of visitors on the first day that traffic jams around Beijing brought the city almost to a standstill. 开放的第一天,人们以争先一睹这座神秘的皇宫及其宝藏为快,北京市内万人空巷,交通为之堵塞,此亦成为当天各大报纸的重大新闻。
- The Caucasians of this type are very popular in Leningrad. 这种类型的高加索在列宁格勒(圣彼得堡)很流行。
- What was life like in the olden days, Gran? 从前的生活是什么样的,奶奶?