- She plans to appreciate every moment of motherhood. And she plans to laugh. 索恩科特准备要细细品味作母亲的点滴时刻。此外,她准备要笑对人生。
- And she plans to laugh. 此外,她准备要笑对人生。
- McCluskey on "Desperate Housewives," has lung cancer -- and she plans to do everything she can to fight it. McCluskey"而获得两次艾美奖的KathrynJoosten得了肺癌,她将做好一切准备战胜病魔。
- When she retires, she plans to kick up her heels and travel. 退休后,她打算尽情享乐而且还要去旅游。
- And guess what?She plans to play that same concerto. 你猜怎么着,她打算演奏上次一样的协奏曲。
- She plans to take a course in applied linguistics. 她打算学习应用语言学课程。
- She plans to tour about the world. 她打算周游世界。
- During Bush's tenure, she struggled to find comparable work as a paralegal after she was laid off in 2002, and she's been dismayed by the costs of the Iraq war. She is still registered as a Republican, but she plans to vote for Kerry. 布什任职期间,她失业了。2002年失业后,她努去寻找类似于律师助理的工作,她也因伊拉克战争花费的代价而感到沮丧。虽然她还是登记为共和党人,但是她准备投克里的票。
- I ask when she plans to do this thing. 我问她打算何时做这件事。
- She plans to show her paintings early next year. 她计划明年初展出自己的绘画作品。
- It is abroad that she plans to leave the company. 她要离开公司的消息已传开了。
- Politics were her abiding interest, and she would talk about the heights she planned to achieve, without a hint of humlity or uncertainty. 她最大的兴趣是政治,并且常常毫不掩饰地谈出自己打算取得什么地位。
- She plans to act Lady Macbeth in summer stock. 她计划在夏季剧团中扮演马克白夫人
- Politics were her abiding interest, and she would talk about the heights she planned to achieve, without a hint of humility or uncertainty. 她最大的兴趣是政治,并且常常毫不掩饰地谈出自己打算取得什么地位。
- However, an hour of sleep cured the wife and she planned to check out on herhusband who didn't knew about what mask she was going to wear. 不过一个小时的睡眠治好了妻子的头痛,她打算考考她的丈夫,看他是否能猜出她,在不知道她将戴面具的情况下。
- She plans to take a course in mathematics. 她打算学习数学课程。
- She plans to appreciate every moment of motherhood. 索恩科特准备要细细品味作母亲的点滴时刻。
- I also received an e-mail from Deanna today.She indicated that her usher at the wedding was "fine" and she planned to meet him again for dinner "real soon. 今天我也收到了蒂娜发来的电子邮件,她委婉地表示在婚礼上那招待很好",她计划要"尽快"再一次见到他一块吃晚饭。
- Orly's attorney said she plans to appeal. 奥莉的律师说奥莉准备上诉。
- He could tell she was in a bad mood, and tried to laugh her out of it. 他看出她心情不好,想逗她笑好让她不再想烦恼的事。