- Now how can we express the ancient of days in us with only the sounds of our yesterdyays? 而现在,我们怎能仅用我们昨天的声音来描述心中的远古时光呢?
- Now how can we express the ancient of days in us with only the sounds of our yesterdays? 现在只剩下昨日声响的我们怎么能表达出我们内心的远古往昔?
- Until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom. 直到亘古常在者来给至高者的圣民伸冤,圣民得国的时候就到了。
- I watched in the night visions, And there with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming; And He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him. 13我在夜间的异象中观看,见有一位像人子的,驾着天云而来;?来到亘古常在者那里,被领近?面前。
- They've gone down to Brighton for a couple of days. 他们已南下到布赖顿市住两天。
- I'll be back in a couple of days. 我过几天就回来。
- But tell of days in goodness spent. 都在说明一个善良的生命。
- The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days. 叛乱在几天之内就被镇压下去了。
- This limitation is by the decree of the Ancients of Days, and it pertains to actual evolutionary planets whereon mortals of survival status are living. 这限制是远古时期的旨意,并且目前它适合进化的行星,在那上面的人类生存状态是生气勃勃的。
- Pam is no fool; she'll master her new job in a couple of days. 帕默精得很,她会在一、二天内胜任新的工作。
- A couple of days work will get the garden into shape. 再干上几天,花园就可以整好了。
- I chewed the cud for a couple of days before deciding to refuse your offer. 我反复思考了二三天后才决定拒绝你的提议。
- It shall be there in a couple of days. 大约二三天内会送到。
- The doctor said I must take a couple of days off. 医生说,我必须休息三天。
- The number of days lost through strike has fallen. 因罢工而失去的工作日减少了。
- This puts me in mind of days long past. 这使我想起了好久之前的时日。
- He was absent a number of days and got his leave. 他好几天没上班,后来被解雇了。
- I need a couple of days to think this matter over . 我需要两三天的时间把这件事仔细地考虑一下。
- I have been wakeful at night for a couple of days. 我已经几天晚上睡不着了。
- Cologne is the most ancient of Germany's large cities. 科隆是德国历史最悠久的大城市。