- Ancient Mongolian culture 古代蒙古民族文化
- The Original Research about the Communication between the Ancient Mongolian Culture and other National Cultures in the world 古代蒙古民族文化与世界各民族文化交流初探
- The Hetao area combines both the Han culture and Mongolian culture. 河套地区是汉文化与蒙文化的结合部。
- It contains ancient Mongolian dualism thought and it is the beggining of Mongolian Buddhistic philosophical idea. 它记载着古代蒙古人二元论思维,是蒙古族佛教哲学思想的起源。
- The social environment, therefore, with its dominant Mongolian culture, is complex and full of ethnic conflict. 这里的人文环境复杂,民族矛盾交错,但蒙古族文化略占优势。
- Yurt is a traditional Mongolian dwelling house.It is also an epitome of Mongolian culture. 蒙古包是蒙古的传统民居,蒙古包文化是整个蒙古文化的缩影。
- Mongolian plant diet culture is the main content of Mongol-Ethnobotany , it is also the important branch of the Mongolian culture. 蒙古族植物饮食文化是蒙古民族植物学的主要内容,也是蒙古文化的重要组成部分。
- Tenggeli tala enjoys its fame not only in Beijing's culinary but also brings Mongolian culture and customs to the world stage. 腾格里塔拉不仅在京城的餐饮业享有盛誉,并且将蒙古族的风情文化带到了世界舞台。
- This paper, based on interviews with Nima, an old former hunter in Arhorchin, ethnographically describes Mongolian culture in hunting wolf. 本稿以民族志的形式主要记述尼玛老人对阿鲁科尔沁地区捕狼的回忆,随之展现并介绍了蒙古地区传统的捕狼过程及方法。
- It is not only a valuable historical records, but also is an excellent literature works, still more is a precious data for studying ancient Mongolian language and other Altaic languages. 它不仅是一部珍贵的史书,而且是一部优秀的文学作品,更是研究古代蒙古语和其他阿尔泰诸语的宝贵资料。
- Mongolian's view of life and death and hospice are deeply affected by Shamanism and Buddhism, which also form and develop Mongolian culture. 摘要蒙古族的死亡观和临终关怀深受萨满教和喇嘛教的影响,这也是蒙古族文化形成和发展的两大因素。
- In this article,the author briefly narrates the historical thread formed regarding the Mongolian culture of the dress and personal adornment in Qinghai and its characteristics. 本文从蒙古族进入青海的不同历史阶段,简略的叙述了青海蒙古族服饰文化形成的历史脉络及形成后随着地域、自身的发展和周边民族的不同而又形成独特的服饰文化。
- Zhangbei the central plains grassland farming culture and the meeting point of nomadic culture, Mongolian culture in the blend here confluence, formed a unique local culture. 张北是中原农耕文化与草原游牧文化的交汇点,蒙汉文化在这里交融汇合,形成了独具特色的地方文化。
- Its justifiable was certified by the inner Mongolian cultural contexture. 其合埋性来自于内蒙古社会体制和文化结构。
- the ancient Mongolian' s "western conquering" 蒙古西征
- Secondly, In the process of founding Jin state, Jurcin's traditional culture influenced by Mongolian culture, for example, Jin court's khan title, Taiji, bakhshi, batulu, jarguci etc. 第二章先介绍金国政权的建立过程及其受蒙古文化的影响:认为金廷的汗号、台吉及文武官员的巴克什、巴图鲁、扎尔固齐等名称都是深受蒙古文化影响的结果。
- Because of the broadness and flexibility of Mongolian culture, Mongolian picture graphs were influenced not only by the culture of central region, but also the culture of western region. 这些文化融会贯通,共同形成了蒙古族图案与花纹的多重来源。
- With that special relationship, the Tibetan culture that more progressive that Mongolian for it hare a written language as early as seventh centure, gare more influence in Mongolian culture. 这种关系使早在公园七世纪就已经有了自己的文字、文化和文明程度远远超过蒙古族的藏族大大地影响了蒙古族。
- Tourists can CROSSLINE hiking, nature viewing scenery, can also rowing boats, fishing pastime, can also walk through the prairie, the unique taste of Mongolian culture in Horqin grassland. 旅游者既可爬山越岭、观赏大自然风景,也可以划船游艇、钓鱼消遣,还可以漫步草原,领略独具特色的科尔沁草原蒙古族文化。
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客栈曾经是一个古老教会的房子的一部分。